Saturday, October 24, 2009

I HATE when track break comes to an end!

I hate it for various reasons...I miss the being able to sleep in, I miss being able to do whatever we want when we want and being able to stay up late. Sure, being on a schedule is nice and it does help things run smoother around here, but I truly do enjoy not having to worry about being on someone else's time table. Most of all though, I HATE that someone else besides me and the boys, gets to spend the day with Taylor! Taylor is such a little helper to me. Her heart is so big, sometimes I think it could possibly explode! She does so much around here that I know I don't thank her enough for and tonight as I was pulling out everyone's church clothes and getting ready for tomorrow; I realized that this was it!...our very last night of her first track break as a 1st grader. And I can't help but feel jipped and like it went by WAY too fast!! I am DEFINITELY not ready to send her back. Regardless, here's some pictures of some of the fun stuff we did this month while she was off.

Chase's class went to the pumpkin patch this past month for their field trip. It was a lot of fun. Tay got to come too since she was home, Chase loved having her there. And she was such a little helper there too with Chase since I had to keep running off after Talan who kept trying to make his way back to the tractors. Tally was totally obsessed with them.

Here's Chasers with his cute class.

And here we are again at the same pumpkin patch the very next day, but this time as a family. We go every year, it's one of our traditions, so we had to go once again when Cort got home.

Playing on the tractors.

And Talan playing on the tractors once again.

Looking for the perfect pumpkin.

We all LOVE having Cort at home.

Chase and Taylor having one of their many sleepovers. During the break they have had one almost every night.

We made lots of trips to the park this month. Here's Chasers doing the monkey bars, he has been watching Taylor do this for quite sometime and was so excited when he could finally do it by himself.

Taylor had a late night Halloween party with some of her friends this past month too. It was a lot of fun, originally Cort was going to take the boys out for a boys night, but as the party got closer Chase decided that he wasn't going to miss it for anything.
Taylor with some of her cute friends and Chase at the party.

Decorating spooky graveyard cupcakes.

We started to run out of things to do at the party so we had Chase teach the kids some of his Halloween poems and songs from preschool. You could tell that he felt so special doing it and the kids seemed to like it too. Here Chase doing his thing.

Taylor conked right out after the party. This was how far she made it when we send her down to go to bed.

Us just hanging out at home, just enjoying being together.

Playing Store.

Making Carmel Apples for FHE.

And now that we are at the end of the month we our officially counting down to Easton's arrival! I don't think my stomach could get any bigger. This kid has been measuring big almost my entire pregnancy. Any guesses on his weight?? Me and my doctor seem to think he's another 9 pounder for sure. We will find out soon...two weeks and counting. The kids can't wait to meet and hold baby Easton. And I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore. This pregnancy has really been my hardest by far, thank goodness that it's almost over!


buchanancasa said...

Cute cute photos! Thanks for posting some of the party, I'm going to steal them. Taylor's tutu turned out adorable, and I broke into a big smile seeing Chase teaching his poems! What a fun thing that must be for him. It's true, track breaks go by way too fast, it's lame. But you've got lots to look forward to, that's for sure! He will be here before you know it, crazy.


Cute party! And I didn't know you were naming him Easton..I like it. We went to the same pumpkin patch last year and tried one closer this year..needless to say we will return to one you go to..I love it!

steph said...

I love the pics, they are so cute. You are one busy family. I love his name too. He will be here before you know it.

Cindy N. said...

You are the CuTeSt pregnant girl I know!! Okay and how cute is Chase teaching the other kids his stuff??!!! I think you and I are the only parents who don't like sending their kids back to school after breaks! I'm counting down to Christmas break!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

Way to be on top of making posts...even as a single mom! You amaze me! I love how you are always able to catch your kids in random acts of funniness! (is that a word?) All your kids are absolutely adorable! And there are two things I am REALLY looking forward to in the next few weeks...meeting little Easton and going to New Moon! Wahoo! :)

Casie said...

Jamie, you look so cute! You do the cutest things with your kids. I love reading your posts. Has anything been happening with this new baby coming? I hope you're feeling well! We're almost done! (And I love the name Easton, so cute!)


It is hard when they go back on track! I have a hard time adjusting too! I can't believe it is time for little Easton to be here.. Crazy! Enjoy your time!