Thursday, April 22, 2010

My hero

One thing that I have always admired about Cort is his ability to do ANYTHING he puts his mind too and not just do it, but do it well. This past January he decided he was going to run a marathon, and so he started training and last weekend he did it! Not only did he do it, but he did it in awesome time. 3 hours 41 minutes, I couldn't have done it that fast if my life depended on it. Me and the kids met him at the finish line to cheer him on.

Cort so inpsired me running this race that we both signed up to run the St. George marathon together...WHAT??! SAY IT AIN'T SO, oh but it is!! And as crazy as it sounds I hope we get picked. I also hope that I don't die during the process of running it.
Cort crossing the finish line

GOOD JOB Cort! So proud of you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A boy and his sword

Everywhere Talan goes his sword goes with him. I kid you not. The other night I went in his room to tuck him in after he was asleep (see pic) his sword was on top of him, I moved it to the foot of his bed and put his blanket on him and left the room within seconds I heard him say "oh no! Where's my sword!" you just never know when you are going to need it I guess.

Story of his life

One thing is for sure Easton does not suffer from lack of love or attention around here. If he is laying on the ground I can almost guarantee that one of my other kids is right next to him. He is such a good sport about it, but really he doesn't know any different. This is how I found all three of my boys a couple mornings ago right after getting Tay off to school.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A couple Easter messages

This first one is from my sweet Taylor who drew this picture for the Easter bunny and left him a yummy treat. I couldn't help it I had to post it. Notice the carrot taped to the top....

The second one is a reminder of what Easter is all about. One of my all time favorite talks. How grateful I am for the Savior for His life and sacrifice. He is the way. Because of Him we can have joy and hope. I know that He lives and that He loves each of us very much.