Thursday, May 23, 2013

moving on

Another year has come and gone.

 Taylor on her first day August 2012 and on her last day of 4th grade May 2013
Chase's 1st day of first grade and his last 
 Talan's first day of preschool and his very last. Kindergarten here we come!

Easton's first day of play school. 2 years old almost 3. And Easton on his last day at 3 and a half.
And just for fun one of Avery on the kids first day of school and one of her today. I don't know call me crazy but I definitely think she has changed the most!
 August 2012
Look at the dark hair she had! Now it couldn't be anymore blond.
Avery today May 2013. At 11 months. Almost one year old! I keep thinking about what I was doing on the last day of the school last year. Anxiously awaiting for her to come. Can't believe that was a year ago.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I know I've said it a thousands times before, but I love being a mom. There is nothing else I would rather do or anyone else that I would spend my days with. It's not always easy and there are times when I feel like my heart is going to burst when I watch one of kids hurt, or when I have feelings that I'm not measuring up and I doubt myself, but regardless I am living my dream! I have always wanted to be a mom. The kids were super excited for the "big" day. Taylor and Chase each made very thoughtful gifts at their school and Talan on his own, made me several pictures as well. And of course Cort never disappoints he always makes sure to make me feel very special.
 Chase gave me this flower pot that he decorated, love it! And then some seeds to plant in it. He was so excited to give to me. He hide it under Taylor's bed til the big day.

Taylor's cute book that she made me at school. 

 I think this is my favorite part of the whole book

 Apparently Cort jokes around a lot
 Love this part too!
She also wrote me a poem! I heart this girl big time

On Mother's Day morning poor Chase woke me up around 3am to inform me that he had just thrown up. And it was everywhere. On the way to the bathroom, everywhere in the bathroom. Poor little guy. The next morning with a very pale face and his bed head hair everywhere I found him getting his church clothes on. I said to him "bud, you can't go to church today." To which he replied "But mom I have too! I'm singing today." And then 15 minutes later he threw up again.

And kind of on a side note Avery decided to stand up on her own about a week ago without holding on to anything. Way to go Baby girl! Love you and your sister and brothers so much!