Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Talan's pre-preschool graduation

This past year Talan has been attending a play-skool preschool in our neighborhood. He has loved it and always looked so forward to going. They put on a little program today and did a little graduation ceremony. It was fun and Talan could not stop grinning through the entire program. I have seen some major changes in Talan over this past year. I can't believe he is almost 4. I am so excited for him to attend Miss Peggy's preschool next year, the one Chase has been going too. I just know he will love it.

Mrs. Kristen spotlighting Talan at the graduation.

What Mrs. Kristen said about Tally

The graduate and his proud parents

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter

Tonight we took the kids with some friends to the Easter Pagenant that is put on at the Mesa Temple. The pagenant tells the story of the Savior from his birth to his death and then resurrection. It was very well done. I was sitting directly behind Talan and one of his cute little friends who had their arms wrapped around one another. It was during the part right after the soliders had taken the Savior away from the Garden of Gethesame when I heard Talan tell his friend, "What are they doing to my Jesus?" Immediately followed by Talan's friend leaning into him and saying "this should not be happening!"

Our Family on Easter Sunday

Elder Holland's talk from a couple years back is one of my favorites ever given. So powerful. I love it so much. Happy Easter!

Monday, April 11, 2011

never a dull moment

Last Thursday I took my 3 boys to storytime. We were just finishing up on the craft when Talan took a tumble off of a little bench they have set up for the kids to sit on, and landed just right, breaking his arm in 2 places. When I asked what happened he said the bench came up, making me think he must of been standing on one side of it making the other come off sending him onto the ground. He was crying really hard, so with Easton in tow I walked over to him and helped him up gave him a love and looked down it was obvious immediately that it was broken. His arm was curved and it almost looked like his hand was no longer connected to his arm, as it was just hanging there. I scooped Talan up and carried him out like a baby instructing Chase to push Easton in the stroller out. Fortunately, as we were leaving my neighbor who we came with us, hadn't left yet and took my other two boys with her and I headed to the nearest doctor I could think of. Talan screamed the whole way. As soon as we got there I asked them if they could give him something for the pain, they had to OK it with the doctor, but they did give him some Motrin. I got Talan to calm down before the doctor came in, all the while he just kept saying my arm hurts, my arm hurts. When the doctor came in to see him he sat so still and was so calm and cooperative. For a 3 year old in a lot of pain he sure was being brave. But then again that's our Talan. Those of you who know him well will know what I mean by that. He got his actual cast on today, which is such a relief because for the past couple days all he has had on it is a split, which I just knew was not enough protection for our sweet little go a mile a minute, gotta love his energy level, Talan.

Talan's arm before they put the spilt on it. Not the greatest picture. It really looked worse in person. But you can see the curve.

With his spilt on heading home.

Taylor didn't know about Talan's arm til that evening when she got home from tumbling. She had gone to a friends house right after school and then straight from there to her tumbling class, so we didn't see her til we picked her up. As soon as she saw Talan, her mothering instincts kicked right in. She wouldn't leave his side, got him a drink, made sure he had his blanket. The next day she had a friend over and they both decided to surprise Talan by decorating his room with pictures that they had made for him. Cute. Cute.

LOVE this pic.

Talan with his fiberglass, nothing is getting through this thing, cast. (Thank goodness!) He kept saying he was going to get a blue cast, but then when he saw the black he thought that resembled Darth Vader and decided to go with that color instead.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I heart him

Even though this is the face of a little boy who is about to make a really BIG mess and then just walk away, I can't help myself. He is so delicious. If he's not careful I might eat him for lunch one of these days.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Taylor's special day

"I am a daughter of royal birth,
my spirit was born on the courts on high,
my Father in Heaven is king of the earth,
Daughter beloved a princess am I!"

Last Saturday was Taylor's baptism. It was a wonderful day/weekend filled with family, friends and some of the best memories I have yet to make. Taylor's desire to do what is right is so strong. I sure do love her with my whole heart. The morning of her baptism when I went to wake her up the first thing out of her mouth was "I'm getting baptized today!" When the bishop asked her why she wanted to get baptized she said "because I want to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and because I want to return home to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus someday." As a mom, I was so worried whether or not I had prepared her well enough for this big, important step in her life. I was lucky enough to be a fly on the wall during her interview with the bishop, it was during that interview that the spirit confirmed to me she was ready. That night after her baptism, when it was just me and her, I asked her "how do you feel now that you are baptized?" She said, "I feel like it's a brand new life." So sincere and true. I feel so blessed to know what I know and to be surrounded by the most amazing people out there. My cup really does overflow. I have so much to be grateful for and this little girl is right on top of the list.