Sunday, May 25, 2008

Boys are made of snails and puppy dog tails

Here's a little shout out for our cute boys, who are both growing like mad and changing very quickly too. Chase is really turning into a little boy and I swear has more and more energy everyday. He just goes and goes and goes....his energy and love of life really is never ending! Love it.

In two days Talan will be 9 months old. Crazy how fast that went! He is now crawling all over the place and has pulled himself up to stand a couple of times, usually when he is trying to get someone to pick him up. He is also clapping his hands and his feet, like a seal would, (my personal favorite!) when he gets excited. He still is just content and easygoing and usually very happy and such a joy to be around. He loves to explore and he has started to realize that he would rather be outside then anywhere else. Happy 9th month birthday to him!

I had to post this about Chasers, because seriously it just makes me laugh. We recently had a Jamba Juice built out by us. And all I can say is YUM! I am totally a Jamba Juice addict...I'll admit it. Taylor isn't that big of fan of them, but Chase on the other hand, I think loves them as much as I do. The other day Cort brought us each one on his way home from an appointment. And when I went outside to check on Chase I found him on the trampoline drinking his down while his dad was mowing the lawn. I couldn't resist and needed a picture of him. I ran outside with the camera and told him to look at me so I could take a picture and he said "just a sec, I'm drinkin' my jama uice!" He seriously melts my heart. Oh, and notice in Chase's left hand King the car from the Cars movie, Chase rarely goes anywhere without him or one of the other Cars characters. I think it's safe to say that he is DEFINITELY obsessed with everything that has anything to do with Cars the movie.

Talan got his first haircut the other day, thanks to Cort. Cort borrowed some clippers from my brother and gave him a little trim. Talan sat so still for it, and Cort did a great job. I swear, this kid is just mellow yellow, he is pretty much ok with just about anything! He is such a sweet little guy.

OK, so Chase the other day slept for a whopping 14+ hours, that's got to be a record of some sort! He has had a cough and running nose for about a week or two so we decided that we would keep him home from church and just let him take it easy. I just shut his door and was amazed when ten 'o' clock in the morning rolled around and he was STILL asleep! He finally woke up, when I accidently woke him up, while trying to get a picture of him. All that sleep must of been just what he needed though, cause he woke up just grinning from ear to ear.

Chase has always been so in love with Talan, from the day we brought him home. I will find them together playing side by side or sharing a treat of some sort, usually something that Talan is not suppose to have. For example, tonite I found Talan with a hot tamale, the candy, in his mouth, courtesy of Mr. Chase. I love that they are already so close. The other day I walked in the family room where they both were playing and found them sitting side by side with Chase's arm around Talan and I heard Chase tell him "I love you Tally Bryson Welker." Sooo cute! I can't stand it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's day recap

So this is a little late, but we had a wonderful Mother's Day! I actually got the extended version this year, because Taylor decided that the whole week before Mother's Day was Mother's week. Needless to say, I got lots of flowers from our trees and dandelions from our grass. As well as, several pictures she drew herself, one of them she hung right next to my bed so as she told me "it's the first thing I see when I go to bed at night." Love that girl! Well, we have church at 9am, but Cort still made time to make us all some yummy breakfast and give me my mother's day gift. He kept asking me what I wanted and I told him a filter for my camera. Well, that's what I got, as well as a little something to go with it! Of course, Cort had to make me work for it though. After I opened the filter, he had me go get my camera, which low and behold the filter didn't fit any of my lens!! Hmmm, I told him why didn't you ask the sales guy which one would be right. Well, Cort then pulls out a little bag and said maybe it will fit this lens. He got me a 85mm which is said to be a great lens for child potraits, which is basicly all I use my camera for, pictures of my kids. So, yes I was very excited! Church was so good too. I love that Mother's Day is on a Sunday and that we get to go to chruch on that day. Taylor sung with the primary in sacrament. And a little sidenote, she also bore her testimony for the second time in sacrament the week before. She is growing up so fast! Well, of course after church we packed up the car and headed over to Herriman Cove to try out the new len. My poor kids they just indulge me. I love being a mom and I love that I have such an amazing mom who taught me so much through her example about, among many other things, the importance of serving others and not just constantly thinking of yourself, she was so selfless, as well as ALWAYS trusting in the Lord. In a letter she left me before her passing she said that we never question the Lord because he always knows best, we are on his time table. Her strength and goodness are such an inspiration for so many. Thank goodness for mothers! I know so many great ones who I admire so much. And who not only influence me, but my sweet kids as well and for that I'm SO grateful! Hope all you mothers had a great day. Thanks for touching my life for the better, and for just being you. Here's a couple pictures of our kids that we took on Sunday. The sun was so bright. Talan wouldn't look at the camera to save his life! All he wanted was to put everything in his mouth from the grass to the rocks to the dirt. And Chase let me take THREE pictures of him in a row with him posing! Trust me that was a real treat! I guess that was his mother's day gift for me!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Twlight the movie

Ok, so it took me awhile to finally read these books. I believe my Aunts first told me about them about two years ago, better late than never I guess. Better is right, I was/am totally obsessed! Soo good. Anyways, I came across this movie preview today of Twlight the movie and I am so excited about it!! Honestly, can't wait! Since I'm not really that computer savy you'll have to copy and paste the link in order to watch it. Trust me though totally worth it! And a bit of a side note....when I first saw the guy playing Edward I was soo against it, but after watching this not so much. What do you think? Oh, and you MUST watch it with sound. Enjoy!