Saturday, December 26, 2009

What Christmas looked like at our house

We had a great month of fun filled Christmasy type activities. I'm a little sad that it's over, but looking forward to what 2010 is going to bring...lots of changes I think.

My dad called about a week before Christmas and said we needed to get away for a couple days and head to St. George for a quick trip down to his condo. He only had to tell us once and we were off! Cort met us down there and we had a great time playing at the park, going out to dinner, and just being together. Easton even gave me one of his first real smiles while we were there. Melted my heart.
The kids watching a show with their Grandpa

Talan fast asleep with his sword. He takes this thing with him everywhere these days. Before we leave to go anywhere he will run to his room screaming "my sword! my sword!" And if he can't find it he will say "mommy help me find my sword?"

Eskimo kisses with my Easty.

My wonderful dad also watched my kids minus Easton, one night while me and Cort went to dinner and saw New Moon. Cort actually really liked the movie, but he has no intention of reading the books. Even though I keep telling him how good they are!! I have no picture of us out, I am so bad about taking pictures if it doesn't involve my kids. But it was a great night, definitely blog-worthy and worth documenting!

On Christmas Eve we took the kids sledding to one of the many parks by us. The kids all loved it. The only problem was we only had one sled, so about 20 minutes after we got there I ran home to get the sled my dad had bought the kids for Christmas.
One sled + 3 kids=DrAmA!

Chase going down the hill mumbo style inspired by the movie Happy Feet.

Then later that night we made cookies for Santa and had a big Christmas feast at our house and watched a quick video on the true meaning of Christmas.

Making cookies. Talan has such a sweet tooth. I don't think any candy made it past his mouth to his cookies!

New Pajamas

On Christmas morning Chase was the first one up. He came in our room around 6:00. He soo reminds me of me as a kid.

Opening presents

Talan was hilarious to watch this year. Everytime he opened a present, didn't matter what it was he would oooh and ahh over it and say "Wow!" and things along those lines. Me and Cort couldn't help but smile.

We decided to keep it simple this year, and do one big gift for everyone and a couple little ones, so Santa brought us a Wii. We have been playing Super Mario non-stop! The kids absolutely love it. Chase is so into it and is hilarious to watch. He'll tell us "come on guys let's get big power" or if he dies he'll say "I guess it's up to you mom." Probably one of those things you have to see for yourself. We are already on level 6. But I hear there is like 12 levels so lots more fun to come.
The kids opening the Wii up. It was the one thing they all asked for.

Easton wasn't that interested in the presents.

Two days before Christmas my dad had us meet him at a store to buy the kids a couple more things. He loves to play Santa. I mentioned to him how much Taylor and Chase wanted spark razor scooters, but that I already told Santa NOT to get them cause they already had razor scooters they just aren't spark ones. Well, my dad disagreed and said we HAVE to get them. So he did! Here is Chase when he opened his over at my dad's. I'm pretty sure that's the reaction my dad was hoping for.

The whole fam on Christmas day. Check out my new them!

How could you not love this face! Easton the day after Christmas.

We had a great Christmas and are looking forward to all that 2010 will bring.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Happy 2010!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Red Hots

Taylor has been taking tumbling for about a year and a half now and she LOVES it! She has such a passion for it, no matter where we go you will find her doing a cartwheel, a back walk over, a round off, you get the idea. She does them at home, in the grocery store, on the tramp, etc. etc. I've even seen her do them down the hall at her school.
Tonight was her Christmas concert and she did AWESOME! It was a great night. Even though by the time it was her turn to get on stage the boys had had it! I couldn't be more proud of the beautiful little girl that she is becoming. Here's some pictures of her on stage doing her thing.

And here she is with some of her very cute friends.

Love you Tay!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

One month old

I can't believe Easton is 1 month old today. Time does go by fast. Tonight after Taylor got home from ice skating with a friend we were sitting in the kitchen talking about her day and such and she told me "I can't wait til I'm 7." I thought about that and I couldn't believe that it's been almost 7 years since she was born. And before I know it little Easty will be almost 7. He doesn't look much like a newborn anymore, not that he ever did. He is now sleeping for 4 hour stretches at night, so much better than every two hours! And he can hold his head up pretty good and he loves to be on his tummy. Oh how we love this little guy. Here's some fun pics of him over the past month.
One month old

First bath at home. Such big helpers I have here. A couple days old.

My sweet boys. One week old

Talan and Easton. Talan is obessed with a good way though. He always wants to be near him, kiss him, and hold him allnthe time. It's very sweet.
10 days old

Fast asleep in his swing. He loves his swing and so does his mom. Such a lifesaver when you have three other little kids running around.
One month old

I have a gazillion pictures just like this one. The kids love to hold their brother and are constantly asking me if they can hold him...However sometimes they don't ask..."Hurry up Tay, take the picture before mom comes!" Crazy kids.

Christmas pictures! Corts very favorite thing to do! This is my attempt at getting a good picture of everyone in their Christmas clothes...Easton was such a distraction.

Brotherly love