Thursday, June 26, 2008


Earlier today I sent Chase to his room to take a nap after a long day of playing with his very cute little friend Landon. They had so much fun together, both of them were crying hysterically when we told them it was time to go.
Anyways, I made a bed for Chase on the floor, (he is obsessed with sleeping on the floor) and sent him to his room and told him I'd be there in a little bit to tuck him in. I did a little cleaning up and checked my email and decided that I better go check on him and make sure he did what he was told. I heard the TV on in my room so I thought for sure that's where he was. Well, it's good thing that his hands were hanging out from under his bed....

because otherwise I don't think I would of ever checked for him under there. I lifted up his comforter and found him fast asleep with his pillow and blanket. I swear, this kid really lives his life at his pace and his way! He can always make me smile, even during those moments when I feel my patience running thin. He does the cutest stuff, I couldn't resist sharing this with everyone. I love being a mom, Chase, Taylor, and Talan's mom to be more specific, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Four Jobs I've Held:
(Maybe I should list four jobs I haven't had! I have worked almost everywhere. I guess I get bored easy!!....Just keeping my options open.)
* T shirt seller at UVSC. I got to attend a lot of concerts for free as a result.
* server at the Art City Trolley in Springville. (YUM!)
* 49 Street Galleria in High School
* sales rep for Franklin Covey

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
I'm not a big movie watcher, so this one stumped me! I usually only watch a movie once and maybe twice if I REALLY1 liked it.
But here's two that I really liked recently:
* Enchanted
* Chronicles of Narina

Four TV Shows I Like:
* Law and Order SVU
* King of Queens
* Still Standing
* America's Next Top Model

Four Items I Couldn't Live Without Each Day:
* my family
* the gospel
* my cel phone haha(those who really know me have to laugh at that one.)
* my camera. I take a lot of pictures. Now if I could just figure out what to do with all of them.

Four Places I'd Rather Be:
* Lake Powell with the family
* Outside playing as long as the temperature isn't too hot
* Shopping, more specifically bargain shopping...I love a good deal!
* Swimming at a pool

Four Things I do almost everyday without fail:
* Wish Cort was around more
* play with the kids
* go running
* clean at least something

Four of my favorite foods:
* Any and all Seafood... salmon, crab, shrimp, It's all good!
* Anything with sugar
* Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, with cranberries
* Artichokes with butter

Four items I wish I had right now:
* a red swimsuit
* Photoshop CS3
* more time in the day
* a Jamba juice

Four things on my "to do list" right now:
* Clean bathrooms
* Finish making curtains for the dining room
* Get a haircut
* the never ending piles of laundry
(Very exciting I know!!!)

Four people I am tagging:
* Angela H.
* Emily F.
* Whitney
* Lydia

Good times with family and friends

We went to Oak City/Delta two weeks ago with some very great friends, to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Peterson and take some family pictures in front of the coolest red barn ever across from my friend's Grandma's house. I think we got some pretty good shots and we DEFINITELY had a good time. After torturing the kids and our VERY patience husbands, (thanks guys) for about two hours or so taking pictures, we then hung out and talked while the kids colored, planted a garden, and had lots of treats courtesy of Coby and Lynette's Grandma. Thanks you guys, we had a blast! We then went and visited my Grandma and Grandpa and got to see my aunt and cousin's family as well, which was very nice to catch up with them a bit too. I think we might head back down there for Oak City days, which I hear is something not to miss. So stay tuned....

Grandma and Grandpa Welker came out for a visit about a week or so ago and we had a grand old time with them. We went out to dinner, hung out, and just enjoyed being together. The highlight of the visit was probably when we went to the zoo, which Taylor had planned a few weeks in advance. She even made a list of all the people she wanted to come. This was Chase's first time at the zoo and he loved it!! As did Taylor. Of course, the penguins were a big hit. Taylor loves penguins. And the train and carousel where probably Chasey's favorites. Here's a picture of our group. Notice Chase with his sword, he rarely goes anywhere without his sword or baseball bat. Thanks for coming Grandma and Grandpa you never disappoint!

I ran my first half marathon last Saturday up at Bear Lake! It was soo much fun! I was quite nervous as the bus was taking us up. But honestly I really enjoyed it. I ran with two great friends and amazing girls. Thanks Audrey and Liz! We must do it again soon. I have definitely caught the running bug! I know it won't my be last race, as I previously thought it would be. Here's a picture of us coming up to the finish line.

We went up the night before the race and stayed at our very generous friends Matt and Liz's cabin right on the lake, which the kids absolutely loved. The Buchanans were there as well. It was the cutest little place and actually slept like 25 plus people. There was the cutest little swing out back and one in the front that the kids couldn't get enough of. They all stayed up pretty late, even Talan. And Taylor got to sleep right next to her cute little friend Eliza, who she just adores, which they both thought was the coolest thing ever. We also had the kids decorate some shirts to wear and cheer us on while we were running. It was the coolest thing ever when we came around the corner and saw them all standing there yelling "go mom!" It was the best!! It was my favorite part of the race. What cute kids. Thanks again girls for the fun memories.

The next day was Father's Day and I really wanted to make that day all about Cort. He does so much for our family and I wanted him to know that it doesn't go unnoticed. He is such a hard worker and a wonderful provider spiritually and financially. I had the kids all go and pick something out for him. Chase was sooo excited, he couldn't wait for his daddy to see what he got him. Taylor got him some cologne, Chase got him a tie, which he will tell you about if you ask, and Talan got him a shirt. While I got him a watch thinger that tells your distance among other things, while running or biking. I hope Cort knows how much we all love and appreciate him! I can't believe that we have been together for 7 wonderful years. We all love him so much. And me and him both are so blessed to have amazing fathers too, who are always there for us.

Taylor and Chase have been on a new kick lately, they love sleeping on the ground next to each other. Every night it has been "can we sleep on the ground?" I tell them only if they go right to sleep, which they usually will do. Their little relationship is so sweet and I think unique. They truly love each other so much. They do have their moments, but honestly they are few and far between. Taylor is always making sure that Chase is included even when she has friends over, and Chase is always making sure that Taylor has whatever he has, from treats to if we are at the store and Taylor's not with us, Chase still has me buy something for her, so she is taken care of as well. I really think that they are kindred spirits of some sort and as a mom I am so grateful for their closeness. It totally melts my heart to see them together.

Here's our little Tally with his bat. He absolutely loves this thing. He carries it around with him everywhere. The other day we were in his room and I turned around to find him trying desperately to get under his crib, when he finally came out he was holding his bat that must off gotten kicked under there or something. Cort says it reminds him of bam-bam from the Flintstones. I love how kids get so attached to things.

Oh and you might of noticed poor Talan's eye. He fell down the other day and cut his eye. I totally went into panic mode. Poor little guy. He was such a trooper though, he was totally smiling and playing while we were checking it out and trying to decide if we needed to take him in. He has such a sweetness about him. We decided that it wasn't that deep so we just put some of that liquid bandage stuff on it to close it up and it's actually healing a lot better than I could of hoped for. Thank goodness!

This past weekend we went down to see the Mormon Miracle Pageant down at the Manti Temple where me and Cort were married. We decided to just camp while we were there and the kids loved it! It brought back a lot of memories for me too. My mom's parents use to live there and I went to school down there for a year. It was a short trip, but fun. Taylor really enjoyed the pageant and asked lots of questions. She said her favorite part was when Jesus visited the little children in America and the Samuel the Lamanite story. Chase said his favorite part of the pageant was swimming in our neighbor's pool the other day. Go figure. I swear he says and does the cutest things. At the pageant, it was different then I remembered it being in the past. They had chairs sent up instead of blankets. Well, Chase of course made do and about half way though grabbed his blankie and went and laid it out in the middle of the aisle and made himself comfortable. You probably had to be there to really appreciate the cuteness of it. I wanted to take a picture so bad but they asked us not to take pictures because it was distracting, so I restrained. I tell Cort all the time how I wish we could just put him in a bottle and keep him this age forever. I love his age so much, it's definitely one of my favorites.
Here's the kids at our campground.

And one of them at the pageant before it started.

The next day we decided to go walk around the Manti temple before we left and let the kids climb up and down the hill. I love this picture of Cort and Taylor, there's just something about it.

We all feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and amazing friends to spend our time with.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life is good

Well, it's official Taylor is no longer a preschooler! She is a GREAT BIG kindergartener....well, soon enough anyway! Her preschool graduation was last Tuesday and she was so excited. She is soo ready for kindergarten, she got her daddy's brains. Her preschool put on a cute little program, and then their teacher read off what some of the kids favorite stuff was. Some of Taylor's favorites were favorite movie of course High School Musical, favorite part of preschool outside playtime, favorite food watermelon, and her favorite time of year SUMMER! Because "it's hot." We are so proud of her. She is such a beautiful girl inside and out, who loves life and is always so happy. My dad asked me once, "does Taylor ever get down?" I thought about it, and it's true she rarely does. She has such a love of life and I swear, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She always absolutely loved going to preschool. In fact, she would count down the days over the weekends until it was time for preschool day again. I can't believe it's over.

The graduate

Talan is now pulling himself up all over the place and as a result has gotten a couple bumps on the head. Poor guy. Good thing he's such a tough kid. He kinda has to be. The other day we found him holding on to the chair, just as proud as he could be! It's so fun to watch him figure out all the fun stuff his little body can do.

We got together with our good friends the Francis' over Memorial weekend. The kids had a blast playing outside, it was actually warm that day. Go figure. I went out to check on them all at one point and found Brynley and Chase on the tramp deep in conversation about something. A kodak moment for sure. I ran in to get the camera, but of course, when I got back outside they were up and about. The picture I did get of them is totally out of focus, but still cute. We are all so lucky to have so many wonderful friends.

We have been having lots of rain lately, meaning that we have been stuck inside a lot lately. Besides yesterday though, the kids spend the majority of the day in the garage riding their bikes around in circles. They were just glad to be out of the house, even if it was just in the garage. And little Chasers actually learned how to ride his bike out there. Before yesterday he would just sit on it while we pushed him around, but now he can really get that think going. He is getting so BIG!

We went to aquarium the other day with some friends, for Taylor and Chase's (Chase adores Paige as much as Taylor does) little friend's birthday. They had so much fun running around, checking things out, touching the sting ray, playing with the puzzles, etc. etc. (Thanks Lynette for the invite.) When we first got there, there was a lady who worked there who was sitting on a bench playing with a snake. For anyone that really knows me you know how much I absolutely LOVE snakes! UGH. The kids where totally intriqued by it though. They were asking her all sorts of questions about the little guy and they even touched it. YUCK. You couldn't pay me to do that, I get all squimy if I merely see one. I asked Taylor what it felt like and she said gooey. Oh, and she told me "don't worry mom he was a happy snake." Yeah, like that makes it any better.

This is Taylor's second year playing soccer. Cort is her coach and she loves having her dad out there with her. She actually scored her first goal last Saturday and almost two more after that. It was so sweet! As soon as she realized that the ball had gone in, she turned around and booked it down the field to where her dad was standing grinning ear to ear, and jumped up in his arms. It was such a tender moment for them both. Taylor, Chase, and Talan are so lucky to have such a great dad, who will do anything for them. He really is our SUPERMAN!

"What are you looking at?" Everyday it's something new with Talan. He is changing so fast. It never seizes to amaze me how much they change during the first year of their lives. A couple of days ago we were listening to some music and I looked over at Talan and he was totally shaking his stuff, he had his head down and he was moving his body back and forth. Then today he was making all sorts of new sounds, one of them was a clicking sound with his tongue. Everyday with him and his siblings is pure bliss.

It was my little sister's birthday Wednesday! The big 22! We all went out to eat and made sure that the resturant staff knew that it was her birthday. They dressed her and my cute nephew (who's birthday was June 1st) up and made them run around the resturant singing some silly song. The kids loved it. A good time was had by all. I can't believe my little sister is 22!

We were over at Gardner Village the other day getting some stuff when I drove by this cute little wagon and I thought what a PERFECT photo opt. So, I pulled over, luckily had my camera, pulled Talan out and snapped a few pictures. I LOVE the face he made in this one. I had to post it, I couldn't resist.

Chase has really been on one lately. I can see so many changes in him. He is all boy. He's all about balls, swords, pirates, climbing, and jumping off of EVERYTHING! We took them to see the second Narnia movie the other day and we loved it. Chase was of course, all about the swords. We enjoyed the movie so much we decided to borrow the first Narnia movie from a friend and watch it altogether, since we hadn't even seen it yet. Once again we all loved it. Chase so much so, that the next day I was in the kitchen making dinner when Chase came in with one of Taylor's crowns on, a sword, and their play horse when I asked him what he was doing he said he was King Peter from Narnia. Soo cute.

Here's a picture of all three of them on Taylor's very last day of preschool. The kids still can't get enough of Talan. They want to hold him and play with him all day long. I love that they love him so much, even though I have to keep an extra close eye on him all the time, because I never know what Taylor and Chase are going to try to get him to do with them. Got to love it! I have also started to notice how much he loves being near them as well. If they are in the other room, he will go track them down and watch them with such awe and wonder. I swear, I just know that he can't wait for the day when he can really get in there with them and join in.