Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Chapter

IT'S OFFICIAL! We are moving. We have talked a lot about this with the kids. It's fun to see their reactions. Taylor is sad one minute to be leaving her friends and school and then excited the next. Especially when she thinks of being so close to her cousins. I wonder where she gets that from?? Chase is so matter of fact about it...the other day I was packing for a quick trip to St. George when Chase kept bringing up his toys and setting them by all the clothes I was packing. One by one he did this. Finally I asked him what are you doing? "I am packing for the move with you." I explained to him what I was really doing and that the move wasn't happening now but soon and so then he proceeded for the next couple days to ask, "are we bringing our wii with us? are we bringing the walls with us?" Not much emotion at all from this kid, he just wants to know the facts. And our sweet Talan is just along for the ride. However, like Taylor and Chase, I know he's going to miss his little friends, who he is VERY possessive of. If you ask him do you wanna play with so and so, he always answers with a "MY" so-so. I was at a dear friend's house yesterday and I saw a picture of our girls together, and I was overcome with emotion. Oh, how I love my kid's friends and my sweet nieces and nephews. I have watched so many of them grow since birth. My cute nephew who is 10 years old calls me at random just to say hi and to talk. I hope he still does.

This is such a bitter sweet thing for us all. I have so many emotions about this they are constantly changing. Very happy to all be together again, sad to be leaving family and friends, excited for all that this new adventure holds for us. I am ready for this change. Although, let it be know, you can't get rid of us that easy, this is NOT a good-bye, we will be back to visit and you better believe I expect lots of visits from all of you too! We will have an open door policy in our new home, you are all welcome to come and stay with us anytime. I have always lived in Utah, born and raised, I love it here! It is home. But I am excited for this new chapter in our lives. I have met some wonderful people while we have lived in Herriman who have touched my life, helped me grow, and made me a better person, mother, wife, and friend all through your examples. Thanks for being so influential to me. I know you were brought into my life for a purpose. And watch out Arizona cause here we come!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Taylor's Book Report Project

Over Taylor's track break she was suppose to read a book and then do a little project of some sort to take back to school for it. Last night she finished her book and I asked her what she wanted to do for it. I was thinking something simple, like draw a picture. Nope. She had other ideas. She wanted to make a diagram. I asked her "You sure? Don't you want to do a picture?" It had been a long day and I was tired. But she was sure. So that's what we did. I cut the lid off of a shoe box that we had and covered it with white paper, and then cut a piece of old carpet that we had in our storage room for her to put in it and then I let her do the rest. It was actually really fun to do this quick little project with her and she was so proud of the end result. She asked if she could show it to all her friends that were in another class. And then when I told her to put a bag over it to protect it on the way to school she said she didn't want to, I think because she had big plans to show it to everyone she came in contact with. It's nothing fancy, by any means but I think it's SUPER cute. Especially since for the most part, she did it all by herself.
Here she is with Chase, he had to get in on the action, posing for a picture last night after she was done. She choose to do her book report on Junie B. "toothless." It's a story about Junie B losing her first tooth. Something we know a lot about these days....Taylor has already lost a total of 6 teeth! Anyways, if you look close to the diagram you will see that Taylor made a bed, a dresser, and Junie B after she found the money the tooth fairy left her for her tooth. She even went so far as to tell me what each drawer was for in the dresser. I loved when she told me that Junie B. didn't have a tumbling clothes drawer because she doesn't take tumbling. She really put a lot of thought into it. Speaking of fairies, here's a little sidenote, Taylor is completely obsessed with fairies these days, but that's another post....

I look forward to doing a lot more fun projects with the kids like these in the future. I just don't think we will wait until the day before it's due again to do it. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

hide n seek

This is how I found Talan when I went into my closet this morning to get dressed for the day....

and this is what he looked like when I "found" him....

Apparently he wanted to play. Always good for a laugh this kid. Sooo glad he's mine.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Easton's blessing day

We blessed Easton this past Sunday. Cort did such a wonderful job, as he always does. It was a great day. Thanks to those who came and shared in this special day with us.

Here's a couple pictures from Easton's big day....
Our little family BEFORE we left for church. That's right I said before and for the record we are now at 9:00 church. You know you are impressed!

Easton and two of his cute cousins. Hadlie 10 months, Kayson 9 months, and Easton 8 weeks. They are all sure to be the best of friends! We love cousins.

Sleepy boy. Right after we got home.

Easton has already changed so much. He is smiling all the time now and has started cooing at us and he loves looking at himself in the mirror.
I am so fortunate to have this little guy and his two brothers and sister in my life. They definitely have made me a better person. They make me laugh and smile everyday.