Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 2010

Lots of fun times to report for us Welkers this past month, that's for sure! Here's a look into what some of our past month has looked like. I can't believe it's almost October. I am starting to realize how precious TIME is. In fact, I have really been evaluating lately how I spend mine. My kids are growing up so incredibly fast. I am really trying to embrace each day, even the crazy ones that I could do without. :) Here's some of our month in pictures....

I made a quick trip to Utah at the beginning of the month to spend some time with some of my FAVORITE people in the world. We went up to Logan for Time Out for Women. It was kind of like BYU's Womens Conference. I left feeling almost like a new person, the messages and the music were AMAZING, to say the least. I bought a book while I was there to read on the plane back to AZ, called the Time Starved Family. I have been amazed at how much I am enjoying it. It is written by a mom with 7 CHILDREN. It has really given me a lot to think about. She talks about priorities, and how valuable our time is, among many other wonderful and thought provoking things. If you want a good read that will give you lots to think about check this one out! Thanks so much girls for the fun time and for being such wonderful examples to me. Being with you always makes me happy. I really miss you all a lot.

Easton is changing everyday. He has a couple of new tricks that he has learned recently. Probably my favorite is that he is now waving goodbye, however it's not your typical wave, instead it's more like a hail Hitler type of thing. It's hilarious. He is also saying ba-ba meaning bottle and bi-bi for bye. My least favorite thing he is doing is climbing the stairs. I NEED to get a gate for these stairs of ours all day long he is constantly climbing them. I am getting my workout by merely chasing him up them!

Taylor was the superstar student in her class a couple weeks ago and she made this cute poster to display. She made the whole thing herself. She is really enjoying her new school. She even started a Star Wars club there with some of her hew friends. She cracks me up!

This past Sunday was a rough day for Taylor. When we first moved to Arizona my Grandpa gave the kids 3 lovebirds to have as pets. Taylor has been really wanting a dog for a couple years now. I told her that if she could proof to be responsible with the birds than she could eventually get a dog. She has actually been pretty good about taking care of them. Well, on Sunday morning before church we looked out at the birds and they all seemed fine, but later that afternoon when we were outside we noticed 2 of them on the bottom of the cage. They had died. Taylor was crushed. I had to keep reassuring her that it wasn't anything she did. We buried them that night and Taylor made them a sign with their names. She kept saying the 2 that died were the girls, who she named what else? Padme and Asuka from Star Wars.
RIP Padme and Asuka. Poor Obie Wan seems so lonely now.

Cort's sister came for a visit and we all met her adorable little girl for the first time. Her and Easton are only 3 months apart and Talan and Brewin our only 6 months apart. It is so fun to have cousins the same age. We enjoyed having them and we are excited to hopefully be seeing them a lot more now that we are only about 5 hours from them verses 10.

We started a new tradition too this past month. We have been wanting to do a weekly family movie night for awhile now, but Friday we try to make me and Cort's night out and Saturday is crazy with church. So we opted for Sunday afternoon. It has been perfect! Plus, we finally joined the rest of the world and got a DVR! I have been recording lots of family friendly movies throughout the week. I have about 20 or so now recorded. The kids love it cause they have so many new ones that they have never seen to choose from. Cort says I'm obsessed! :) It has really been a lot of fun. Easton still isn't clear on the whole concept of movie night, see pic below. Regardless though, we are loving our new Sunday afternoon tradition.

This past week we have just been hanging out at home. It has felt so nice to be lazy. Here's a pic of the boys lounging around. Hope your month has been grand and that you are all enjoying my favorite season of the year. There is just something about fall that is so magical to me. Can't wait for Halloween! Good thing it's around the corner.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mr. Talan goes to playschool

Talan started his first year of preschool last week. His cute class is just down the street from our house. A couple of the cute kids in his class have been having a hard time when they get dropped off, but His sweet teacher Mrs. Kristen told me that Talan is doing great and isn't phased by the craziness of it all. And that's our Talan in his own little world and just happy to be there.

When I dropped him off on his first day, he walked in like he owned the place, opened up the toy cupboard and started pulling stuff out. I love watching him grow and learn and see the differences in my four kids.
Talan proudly showing me what he did he class on his first day.

The other day after I picked him up and I asked him how his day was, he told me "I didn't cry mom, I fine. I fine." Love him.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

cuteness overload

If this picture doesn't make you smile, well than quite frankly NOTHING will! This morning as I was rushing sround trying to get Taylor ready for school, Talan ready for his first day of play-school, (that post soon to come,) Chase up and going for his big day at school, trying to get breakfast made and eaten, scriptures read, house picked up, Taylor's superstar poster done that we were informed of last night at like 9:00 pm, in the mist of ALL this crazy-ness I found Easton grunting his way between the chairs under the kitchen table, probably eating the cheerios along the way that had fallen on the floor during his breakfast. THANK GOODNESS the camera was on the table! So glad I captured him doing what he does best, and that is oozing cuteness and making me smile. SO sad that he is going to be a year old in 2 months. Life goes by way too fast.