Saturday, March 31, 2012

i just want to remember

So much to blog about! If this wasn't our family's journal, I just might give up! Ok, probably not, but I would definitely put it off a little longer. I think I have about 10 separate posts that I have started of different things we've been up too, but while I was just looking at them, I figured maybe they will actually get posted if I include them all in one post. So here we go!

Talan learned how to ride his bike without training wheels a few months ago, he caught on like a champ! Pretty much tried it and that was it. He loves cruising around on that thing.

Easton loves to ride his bike too! STOP GROWING UP EASTY!

We took the kids to a Spring Training game last week with our fun Nelson cousins. I actually really enjoyed it! Mostly, probably because I was so excited for Chase and Talan to see a real baseball game now that we have started T-ball and baseball again for them. I'm pretty sure Chase enjoyed it the most. Easton was a wreck by the end of the game, not getting a nap and getting up at 6am will do that! I think Cort is going to try and take Chase to another game next week, just the two of them. SO fun!

ATTENTION OUT OF STATE FAMILY AND FRIENDS: During Spring Training in Arizona is a great time to visit! Great games, great weather, and cheap tickets. Plus, lots of team choices to watch to choose from. Plan now! Just throwing that out there! :)

Chase waiting for his turn to bat at his very first coach pitch game. I was beaming with pride watching him play that day. And Chase is loving playing! He gets so into whatever sport he is playing. Makes it so much fun for us all.

Talan is doing T-ball for the second time. And he is just as cute to watch. I just love that little guy so much.

Taylor and Chase's school did a fun run fundraiser last week and carnival. Their school does the funnest stuff. It truly makes me sad to think we could possibly not be here after next year. That school has been such a great experience for both of them! Such a blessing for us all.

Chase ran double the laps he needed too. He is so competitive. He wouldn't stop til he had it done. Not even for a drink. And someone said all 36 laps equaled 2 miles. Not sure if that's true, but regardless he did great.

After the run with his buddies.

Taylor did great too. Although she wasn't as concerned as Chase was will getting her laps done, instead she was more interested in chatting with her friends. She is such a social butterfly.

School Carnival celebrating the end of the fun run

This past weekend was my mom's dads 92nd birthday. Happy birthday to him. Here's my Grandpa and Grandma with the kids. I hope I make 92 look as good as my grandpa does!

The kids really love to draw, especially lately. Here's some of my very favorite pictures they have done recently.
Taylor drew this picture of our family. I love how her little sister is in it.

Chase drew the stable the other day with Mary, and Joseph, and Jesus. I guess it was on his mind.

And here's Talan's version of the stable. What sweet kids we have.

Today was the first session of conference. Taylor actually invited a non-member friend over to watch the second session with us. A few days ago we were outside playing and the missionaries stopped by and asked if we knew anyone they could teach. Me and Cort both said no. But then Taylor piped in and said "I know someone." And she gave them the name of one of her little friends in her class at school. Last night those same missionaries stopped by and said they were here to "return and report." They told us that the parents of Taylor's friends had accepted a Book of Mormon and told the missionaries that they were curious about their Mormon neighbors and friends. (We basically live in a Utah neighborhood, members everywhere!) So today Taylor asked if she could invite her friend over to watch conference with us. She came and it was a great experience for us all. We played lots of conference games and Taylor had the opportunity to answer several of her questions. What an example of pure love and faith Taylor is to me.

I have been meaning to do a post on Talan for quite some time. There is no one in the world like Talan. He is such a hoot. And lives his life his way. I hope he NEVER loses that. He doesn't care what people think. He has an imaginary friend named, wait for it, Tutti who lives in a bush at Mrs. Peggy, his preschool teachers house. He loves toys so much. He reminds me of Andy on Toy Story. He can play made up games for hours, you will never hear him say he is bored. Yesterday he said to me "look mom! I can make a four." He crossed one of his legs over the other and said "see."
Talan's preschool field trip to the Zoo

Robot day at Mrs. Peggy's

Making a four :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring break

Kind of on a whim, (We had been talking about it for weeks) me and the kids decided to pack a few bags and head to Utah for the week while the kids were out of school for Spring Break. So glad we did! We had a great time. Like always. Cort had to stay in Arizona while we went because sadly his Spring Break was not at the same time, but lucky for us he flew up to drive us back home the day before we needed to be back.
Utah bound

I can't believe I didn't get a picture of us making it, but I asked Maryan to help me make a quilt for Easton's new toddler bed that Cort had made him, since all three of our boys are sharing a room now. Plus, I have been wanting to learn. Seriously from start to finish she (we...she did most of it and I observed) had that entire thing done within a few hours. She is amazing! Thanks Maryan. Here is Easton's new bed in all it's glory. Now if only I could get him to continue to take his 3 hour naps, instead of the 1 hour he is down too since we switched him we would be set!

My cute sister threw me a surprise shower while we were there. And again I forgot to take pictures. It was a such a great night full of family and some of my very favorite friends. And our sweet little Avery got some very fun new goodies. Love all you ladies so much. So grateful for you all! Your kindness means the world to me.

We spent lots of good times with our McKell cousins while there. Chase and Taylor have really been into making money lately. I was just told yesterday that Chase and one of his little buddies here in Arizona, were going door to door the other day selling pine cones that they had found at the park for 50 cents. Crazy kids! While we were in Utah all they had to do was tell Whitney they wanted to do a "sale" and of course she set it up for them! Here they are with some very happy customers! Chase made 4.00 that day not too bad!

Easton and Hadlie only 8 months apart. Hadlie is older, although you can't tell by their size!

Chase and Holden. 6 months apart. And bestest cousins since the day they were born!

We got to together with some friends and went and saw the Lorax while we were there. Here we all are after the show. This is what a picture looks like when you are trying to take one of about 12 kids all at once after a movie. Not to bad considering!

The Friday night we were there, my sweet friend Lynette invited us over for dinner and some fun. We sure do miss our cute Hafen friends!

The weather was perfect while we were there. Shockingly enough! You just never know what you are going to get weather wise in Utah. Taylor and Chase loved riding their long boards up and down the tennis court. And Easton and Talan had fun too just exploring Grandpa Bryce's yard.

Uncle Tyson stopped by for a bit and we were happy to see him.

My dad took Chase to the Jazz game while we were there. The night before they left my dad went over and bought Chase a BYU hat and shirt for him to wear to the game. Chase loved it! And has seen wore that hat several times and been found walking around chanting BYU! BYU! BYU! My dad said Chase was really quiet on the way up to the game and even when they got into the game, but once it started Chase came alive!

My dad also bought him a new football, because on our way up there Chase's old one popped??? So weird. Not sure if it was the altitude change or what, but Chase was sure excited to get his new one. He slept with it every night! I think I have a similar picture of Chase at age 2 fast asleep with a baseball.

Trying to get Easton to take naps there was kind of tricky. I had to lay with him tell he fell asleep. When I would tell him to close his eyes this is what he would do....

TOO FUNNY! Made me laugh right out loud.
The kids watched several movies while we were there too. So nice to have some down time to just chill and hang out.

Taylor and Chase actually slept in while we were there! So, while they slept me, Easton, and Talan still got up at the crack of dawn (not by my choice!) and went into the exercise room and watched shows. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get them to stay off of the equipment. So, instead I opted to take a picture of them watching a show!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Taylor is 9

I can hardly believe that our Taylor Debra is 9! 9 years ago this beautiful little girl made me a mother for the first time. For her birthday me and Easton meet her for lunch at her school. Then we went to Pei Wei for dinner that night (her choice), opened presents, had cake and then I surprised Tay with tickets to see Wicked for her first time that night. I worried that she wouldn't be into the whole time. But she was. She loved it and so did I.
9 things we love about Taylor
1. She always has a smile on her face. She is a pretty happy kid.
2. She is able to let things just roll off her back. She can come home tell me about the horrible day she had at school and within the next 2 minutes she's as happy as can be either off to find someone to play with or leading her brothers in some sort of game or activity.
3. She is very social. And has friends of all ages. Really she can play with just about anyone and have a good time.
4. She is senitive to other people's feelings and hates to see anyone hurt or left out. At running club a couple of weeks ago, Chase told me that he watched Taylor stop running her laps to go and help a little girl who had tripped while running. She is aware of people around her and is always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need.
5. She sets such a good tone in our home. She hates contention and is our little peacemaker.
6. She is secure with who she is and what she believes. And she stands up for what she knows is right.
7. She lets her little brothers follow her and her friends around. I have never once heard her complain about having any of the boys with her and her friends. As a mom I so appreciate this about her.
8. She is very patient. On road trips or movie nights, her brothers are always laying all over her and you will never hear her complain about it.
9. She's dependable. She helps me out so much and I don't know what I would do without her.
At age 9 Here are 9 things Taylor loves
1. She loves to draw
2. She loves salad. Whenever we go out to eat this is what she orders.
3. She loves music. She loves to sing and write songs.
4. She loves Math and anything to do with numbers.
5. She loves to pick her own clothes. She is really quite the little fashion diva. I bought her a ferdora recently and when I did I told her when are you going to wear this?? Little did I know she wears it almost every day! And although it drives me a little crazy, if I let her she would change her clothes at least 3 times a day. She loves putting outfits together.
6. She loves to ride her bike and play with her friends.
7. She loves going to school and learning.
8. She loves gymnastics and tumbling, floor being her very favorite.
9. She loves to read. She just finished reading the 4th Harry Potter book and is about to start the fifth.

The day before her birthday, Chase came home from school with this adorable birthday crown that he made all by himself and several birthday cards, that he had his friends at school make for her. Chase loves her so much. They are so lucky to have one another and I'm so grateful for their bond.

Birthday Balloons

Birthday lunch at school

Me and Taylor at Wicked waiting to go in.

Birthday cake

Opening presents. The boys seriously can't get enough of her. Really this picture says it all. If she is around this is pretty much the way it is. There hoovered around waiting for her to decide what they are going to do.

We love you Taylor! Seriously can't believe that you are 9! Slow down girlie, you are growing up way too fast.

Disneyland Febuary 2012

One of the major perks to living in Arizona, is the fact that we are only about a 5 hour drive away from Disneyland. For Cort's birthday we decided to head on down and live it up Disneyland style for his big day. Talan had been talking about this trip in his prayers for weeks. And ever since we got back he never forgets to say thanks in his prayers that we were able to go and celebrate "daddy's birthday" there.

Taylor and Cort dancing down the street on the big day. Since Taylor's birthday was only a week away, we decided to celebrate her birthday there as well. I believe that was Talan's idea. He loves birthdays! Even when it isn't his own. Any reason to celebrate is a good one for Talan.

Riding the Buzz ride at least a couple times is always a must!

Chase trying to comfort Talan as we are entering the Haunted Mansion. Glad I had my phone handy so I could snap a picture of this cute Kodak moment.

Easton has never been more excited than when we saw McQueen and Mater. He kept saying "that McQueen! that Mater! Hi McQueen! Hi Mater!" Pure Joy.

"Patiently" waiting in line

Toy Story ride in California Adventureland is always a favorite too!

Chase was FINALLY tall enough to ride the Indiana Jones ride. He has been waiting for this day for at least two years! And it was everything he has hoped for! I think Cort, him, and Tay rode it at least twice each day we were there.