Friday, November 8, 2013

new blog

I really don't think anyone reads my blog anymore. Does anyone blog anymore? Anyway, for that one little follower who would like to keep up on us, I am needing to start a new blog because one day I plan to print this blog off and make it into a book for us to enjoy. That is the main reason why I continue to blog. But I noticed last week my pictures from my first posts are getting deleted. Anyone know how to fix that?? Anyways, I'm guessing it's cause I have used my memory space for this blog. Is that even possible? I don't know that's just my guess, so as a result I'm starting a new blog and for anyone who wants to follow along let me know and I'll send you a invite. The new address is Original I know. It will still be private, I guess I'm paranoid ;), but I'm happy to send a invite for anyone interested. Just let me know. If anyone is even out there anymore. :)