Monday, June 27, 2011

nothing but love

I swear these boys would follow Taylor off a cliff if she told them too. Tonight she came home from her tumbling class and decided to teach her brothers some of her moves. Too cute.

But then the tumbling class turned in to this....

BOYS! Got to love 'em!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

summer snapshots

Here are some highlights of us from the past week. We are loving having summer here, even if it is cRaZy HoT outside, we aren't letting it get in our way. Lots of good times and memories being made. It doesn't get any better than this.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

summer lovin'

On one of my favorite blogs EVER, posted this quote recently

Such a good reminder for me. It's hard to believe Talan will soon be 4 and Chase will soon be 6. And that June is now halfway over!! I remember when I thought the year 2000 was light years away. Time just keeps on going. So important that we make the most of it.

Me and Taylor headed to Utah for one of her cutest little friends baptism the first weekend of June. It was a quick trip, but such a good one. So grateful we could be there for it.

Fun friends. I couldn't get these girls to stop laughing long enough to take a picture!

Me and Tay


Talan learned how to swim last week, he basically had it in a day.

These two are still the best of friends and have sleepovers together every night.

Talan getting warm. He always asks before he gets out of the pool. "mom I dry?" I love him and the way he talks and thinks. He is always such a good time.

Easton watching his precious Elmo on Cort's ipad.

Easton has no fear. And he is easily amused. One of his favorite things is being thrown up in the air. When Cort put him downs he screams for him to do it again and again and again and again.

Just enjoying being together

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's official!

Summertime is here! In my opinion the one good thing about traditional school vs. year round is the long summer. Hopefully I feel that way in August. :) I think I will. Lots of good times together. We have had a picnic in the backyard everyday this week. Thanks for coming summer. We have missed you!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chase graduates from preschool

And he couldn't be more ready or excited. He has been waiting all year to go to the same "BIG" school as Tay. And now in two shorts months, he will be. AHHH! All day long. I know 2 cute little boys and a mom who are going to miss having him around A LOT. And yet at the same time, I know that he is going to do great and I am excited to see him grow and learn in this upcoming year.

Chase and his class at preschool graduation

saying his part


Chase and his beloved Mrs. Peggy

Me and my sweet boy

Cort had a final that day and so I was under strict orders from him and Chase to video tape it. I must of been quite the site as I tried to video tape, take pictures and keep track of my other two boys during the program. :) At one point after the program was over and everyone was enjoying the refreshments I lost Easton. This is what he was doing when I found him. CLASSIC.

Last day of school

I love you sweet Chasey boy!