Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Growing up

Taylor's school does the cutest stuff. From the school carnival, to the field day activities on the last day of school, to the breakfast with Santa. So many fun things and memories. For their end of the school year they did a cute "It's Tough to be a Bug" program. And our little Buggy Wuggy stole the show! At least she did in our eyes. :)

Taylor is really changing right before our eyes. Ever since she was about 4 years old she has wanted to get her ears pierced. I told her she had to wait til she was 8. Well, a couple days before her 8th birthday, out of no where she changed her mind. I didn't push it. And then a couple days ago she decided all on her own that she wanted to get them pierced again and this time she wasn't backing down. She looks so much older now. I can't believe she's going to be in 3rd grade. She really is growing up.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

we did it!

When me and Cort first signed up for the Ogden Marathon back in October, I told Cort I wanted to run it in 4 hours. His reply, "that's really fast." turns out he was right. Going into it I wanted to do it in 4 hours and 30 minutes. I was on track for that until mile 18 when I watched the 4 hour and 30 minute pacer pass me by. Oh well. Overall, my main goal was to finish and that I did do! The course was amazing. Really there are no words to describe how much. They bused us up Ogden canyon around 5:00 that morning, which we then ran down, around Pineview Reservoir, across the damn and then down the mountain to Ogden parkway and downtown Ogden. I definitely hit a wall around mile 18 and asked Cort around mile 20 "why would anyone do this again??" A lady running in front of us, heard me and turned around laughing and said "it's like childbirth. You forget." Turns out she was right too. Because to my surprise I definitely want to do one again, although the day of I didn't. :) So grateful to Cort for running it with me. There is no one else that I would of rather had by my side.
me and Cort before the race

crossing the finish line

Some other highlights from our Big weekend getaway in Utah, that I forgot to get pictures of: The BIG sleepover 2011. Our kids had a big sleepover the night before the race with some of their favorite friends in the world. Play dates with lots of other favorite friends and cousins that we miss dearly, dinner with family Thursday for my sister's birthday and dinner on Saturday with some girlfriends and lots of laughter and good times in between.
We love you Utah and can't wait to do it all again. It was a quick trip, but a very memorable one for us all.

Friday, May 6, 2011

my big helper

Chase got Easton dressed all by himself this morning without me asking or knowing. He wanted him and Easton to wear the same shirt. He was so proud when him and Easton came bee-bopping into the family room where I was with the same shirt AND same pants on. I told him how nice that was of him and thank you so much for helping and he said "I wanted to help you mom because there are so many kids for you to take care of." Hilarious.