Wednesday, October 31, 2012

trick or treat

Halloween came and went really fast again this year. Funny how that happens. I tried to do a superhero theme with the kids costumes, but within a week of the big day everyone was changing their minds. I think the days of me picking them costumes is long gone. I love Halloween so much it is seriously my favorite. Cort thinks I'm crazy, he thinks it's a silly holiday. But for me there is something about it. The chill in the air, all the fall smells, the pumpkins and all that jazz. I love it everything about it. Pretty sure it was my mom's favorite holiday too! She use to hand out candy to the trick or treaters and hot chocolate to the moms and dads. 
Here we are heading out for our ward's party this year. People around here go above and beyond. At the party, there was a bounce house, several booths and games for the kids to win prizes and candy at, hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, dancing and strobe lights, etc. etc. they really know how to throw a party around here.A good time was had by all.
And it wouldn't be Halloween without some carved pumpkins. We finally got around to it on Halloween eve.

Easton's little play school had a little party too. Easton left his mask on the entire time. He was so excited to be Robin, it truly is his favorite superhero right now.

Taylor and Chase decided to be a BYU football player and BYU cheerleader this year. I guess my dad has gotten to them. They officially bleed blue now, which is kind of funny considering both me and Cort graduated from the U!

Chase at his school's Halloween Parade. I couldn't get him to look at me.

The fourth graders are normally not in the parade, but since Taylor is on Student Council this year she got to lead the parade and be a part of the fun. I was glad for that and so was she.

Chase and his teacher Mrs. Coble. She is so great.

Chase and his buddy Blake. These boys were in the same class last year where they met, and now they are again this year, thanks to their moms requesting it. ;) They are such great little buddies.
Taylor with some of her friends getting ready for some trick or treating
Talan insisted on being the Dark Knight Batman, the regular Batman just wouldn't do. He gets so into character. He's such a hoot. I can't help but LOVE HIM!
 And Avery was such a trooper and was the cutest little lady bug ever, at least in my opinion she was!

Halloween night we headed out and hit a couple BBQ and carnivals that were going on in our neighborhood. I will be craving those Philly Steak sandwiches at our neighbor's the Smith's BBQ all the way entire next year.
Trick or treat!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

fall break 2012

Last week was the kids Fall Break. Everyone (but Cort) had a whole week off from school. It was so nice. We decided to head to Utah to enjoy our family and friends there, along with some of the fall goodness that is there right now. We had such a great time. From General Conference up at Snowbird, to lots of play dates and dinners with friends, sleepovers with cousins, and trips to some of my favorite stores in the world, it all went by too fast. Until next time Utah. We love you!

Cort spent Conference weekend up at Snowbird with us and also took Taylor to her first session on conference before he headed home. He told me that halfway through the meeting she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I don't know what I would do without her. She is a gem.

Last year on "accident," I learned that big pieces of poster paper and markers are a great thing for kids to do while they listen to Conference. It worked like a charm again this year. I love the end result. Quite the masterpiece.

Avery and Cort watching the last session on Conference together
 Snowbird's Oktoberfest was going on that same weekend, so in between sessions we took the kids down and let them do the Alpine slide, an obstacle course with a harness, and a good ole' fashion bounce house. We also did some swimming and running around with the cousins. It is so pretty up there this time of year. It truly is my favorite and I feel like a kid on Christmas morning just being there and feeling the chill in the air. It's the best!

Cort had to get back for his rotations on Monday so it was just me and the kids for the rest of the week.
Here are some highlights from it all.
Witches at Gardner Village with the cousins, a must this time of year!

 Fun times with friends

Avery and my sweet friend Ang's little Oakley. They are exactly one month apart. Such pretty girls.

Avery 3 and half months old and my friend Leslie's little guy Wyatt 3 days old. Avery looks so big next to him. It hurts my heart a little, she is changing fast.

A trip to our very favorite Pumpkin Patch. I so bad miss this place.  Truly it is the best pumpkin patch out there.

Grandpa Bryce's house is always a good time, None of us ever want to leave.

 Avery got to meet some of her cousins for the first time while we were there. They couldn't get enough of her. Everyone loves babies!

Cort flew in Thursday night to help me drive back, however that did not go as planned. He ended up in the ER that night where they wanted to admit him cause his CPK levels were out of control. Meaning he had broken down muscle fibers in his blood stream which can led to kidney failure and liver damage if not treated. Apparently, while we were in Utah he worked out A LOT, did crossfit a couple days in a row. SO Cort flew back to AZ and checked himself into a hospital here while I drove back with all 5 kids in tow. I remember at one point, just outside of Kingman, AZ at around 10:00 that night, feeling very overwhelmed by it all and very alone. I was worried about Cort, and exhausted physically and mentally. I said a silent prayer in my heart and pleaded to my Heavenly Father to have someone, ANYONE call me. Within 5 minutes of each other two of my bestest friends in the world called and then within another 20 minutes my dad called out of no where as well. Heavenly Father is very real and he does answer prayers. I testify to that. Besides that experience, the trip is a blur to me now, as is that weekend. I woke up this morning and asked myself "did that really happen?" Sadly it did. Cort finally got to come home yesterday morning after four days in the hospital his CPK levels finally went from 350,000 (super scary high) to 29,000 (still high, but much better). Thank goodness for wonderful friends who stepped up without being asked and took my kids for me so I could be with Cort in the hospital.
Cort and Avery last Saturday night
Thankful he is home now and trying to get back to normal. The doctors told him no exercise for 10 days and to drink lots of water. He is having a hard time with the no exercise part. Last night him and Avery went on a walk around the neighborhood. According to the doctor a walk is OK. Just glad he is doing better, it was a little scary to say the least. Until next time Utah! You never disappoint!