Friday, January 28, 2011

out of commission

Today was a sad day. Our poor Easton was so sick. So sick that he couldn't even move. When he tried he would stiffen up and you just knew he was in pain. This is the complete opposite of what he is usually like. (See previous post) However, there was one good thing that came out of this, he wanted to snuggle and I let him all he wanted too. I rocked him to sleep, we cuddled on the couch. There was lots of good lovin' going on. Hopefully tomorrow he will be back to normal and making messes wherever he goes.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


We have all decided that tRoUbLe is Easton's new nickname these days and appropriately so.

He still loves climbing the stairs and is quite the little daredevil on them.

You always know when he has been in a room.

He loves to empty out anything and everything.

He has now figured out how to open the dishwasher door, if it's not locked. After he has it opened he then proceeds to sit on the door while pulling everything out.

The other day he almost got the bathroom door opened. Which we now have to leave shut because he now knows how to lift up the toilet lid. AWESOMENESS.

He loves to be a part of anything. If we are laughing at something he joins in, if someone is talking about something he gives his two cents, (this includes during Relief Society and Sunday School lessons. 4 months til nursery!) if Chase and Talan are wrestling he jumps in on it, if someone is crying he cries too. If you leave your purse accessible he will get into it. If you have food, you are his best friend, even if he has never met you before in his life! Tonight at my aunts Cort gave him his phone to play with, well Easton decided he was done with it and tried to give it back to Cort, Cort didn't realize he was trying to give it back to him and walked away so Easton threw it down on the ground and then walked away himself. Probably had to be there for that one, but it was pretty funny. He definitely keeps me on my toes. And I am trying very hard to soak up all his baby goodness since he won't be a "baby" much longer. He already thinks he is bigger then he actually is. Or maybe I'm the one who is actually in denial. I couldn't love him more than I do!! He is the cutest little troublemaker you will ever meet. And I am not bias or anything like that! :)

After our bike ride to the park today, Talan got out of the stroller and left the DS behind, Easton picked it right up and started pushing buttons like he knew exactly what he was doing. He is just too cute for his own good.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girls trip

One of Taylor's sweetest little friends got baptized a couple weekends ago, which gave me and Tay a good reason to have some girl time. Just the two of us flew up to Utah for the weekend. We had a great time.

Taylor hadn't flown on a plane since she was about 3 or 4 and so this was all pretty much new to her. She asked so many questions about the plane, how does it fly, What is that for, What is this for? etc. etc. and was so excited that they brought us drinks and a snack. Why can't we all be more excited about the simple things in life? She ordered hot chocolate on the way there and on the way back. She loved when the plane took off and had to have a window seat both ways.

So glad to have this little one in my life. Our first night in Utah. Just the two of us. Hanging out at my dads and getting settled.

These 3 sweet girls have know each other since they were about a year old. I remember the first time we all met. It was at Tay's friend, Paige's house to make valentines for our dads. It was 4 moms and 4 baby girls. We were all first time moms and we have all shared many firsts over the years. I still can't believe these girls are old enough to be baptized! Before we know it we will be planning their weddings. Did I really just say that?? Ahhh!

Girlfriends. I remembered to get a picture of me with some friends. So much fun!

It really was a wonderful weekend filled with good times, laughs, food, family, and fun. We went to church at our old ward that Sunday and felt right at home. It was so wonderful to see so many people who I haven't seen in what felt like forever and love dearly. In Relief Society the closing song that day was "Til We Meet Again." Got me all emotional. Yes, for those of you who don't know I am a sentimental fool!

On our last night there at my dad's we watched Despicable me. My brother B, sisters Whitney and Kasey and my dad and Maryan were there. William and Abby too. We stayed up talking and playing pool. It was a great finale to our fabulous girls weekend. I look forward to many more just like this one. So good to spend one on one time with Tay. She really is so beautiful inside and out. She is always thinking of others, and goes out of her to make sure everyone feels loved and welcomed. She loves to help and without being asked to will help when she sees a need. Her school teacher this year has noticed this about her too and has said many times what a joy she is to have around. Our sweet little Taylor makes me want to be a better person and mom, because she totally deserves the best! (Obviously B and Taylor were more into the movie than this picture.)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day at the park & the zoo

Today me and the boys decided to hit up our favorite park in these neck of the woods. 60 degrees in January! Wa-hoo! We had a great time.

Brotherly LOVE. How much do I love this picture! How could I not??

What a little daredevil. This kid thinks he's so big!

Chase and Talan took their baseball bats that we had brought and "turned" them into swords and played Indiana Jones with them. Pretty much anything in our house can be made into a weapon. In fact, come to think of it later on that same day the jump rope was turned in to a whip. Luckily no one got hurt. Chase and Talan have become great buddies lately. Talan is going to be so lost when Chase goes to school all day next year. Thank goodness we have a Easty. :)

And here we are at the zoo a couple days later. We left early that morning, just the 4 of us. It wasn't very busy at all, which made my job of chasing 3 VERY active boys around much easier. Next year Chase starts ALL DAY kindergarten. He is so ready. And I know he is going to do great. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss him BIG TIME! We were getting ready to leave the zoo, when we walked by the carousel. Chase and Talan wanted to ride it so bad. I paid for them too and helped them on, thinking me and Easton would watch from the sidelines. However, Easton was not having that. He kept pointing at it and screaming. So we all got on. Easton was so excited! He really is changing right before my eyes. As they all are. So glad I get to spend my days with them. Especially when we have wonderful days like these.