Friday, December 31, 2010

trials and tender mercies

At the beginnning of December I found out that I had some skin cancer on my face. It was basal cell cancer. Which from what I have been told if you are going to get skin cancer this is the one to get. It doesn't spread, it grows slow, and it is the most treatable. Tender mercy number 1. I wanted to take care of it asap and just put it behind me, however the doctors that were going to take care of it for me couldn't get me in until after Christmas. At the last minute though there was a cancelation. Tender mercy number 2. They called us the morning of and told us to come in. It was a newer procedure that they were going to use to cut it out, called Mohs surgery. Me and Cort called my wonderful and amazing aunt to watch the boys at the last minute and left for the doctors. Tender mercy number 3. (Thank you again Leone!) The whole procedure took about 4 and a half hours. Turns out it was a lot bigger than I had expected at least. Cort said they took out about the size of a nickel on my face. I never looked at it. They asked me if I wanted to, but I didn't want that image to be inside my brain. No thank you. Immediately after removing all the cancer they sent me over to the plastic surgeon who then decided what would be the best way to stitch me up. I was pretty numb, but I could feel the hooks pulling my skin this way and that way as the two doctors decided what would be the best way to stitch me up. Turns out though these doctors were some of the best, I know they were the ones who were supposed to take care of me that day. Tender mercy number 4. I ended up getting somewhere around 20 stitches. In order to close up the hole on my face, the plastic surgeon had to cut from my nose down to my lip. While we were having the surgery done, the doctor learned that we were in school and had a very high deductible on our insurance and so we were paying cash, so as we were leaving and paying for everything we heard the doctor come in and tell the ladies in the billing department to take this off, change this amount to that...etc. etc. Tender mercy number 5. Also, during the surgeon, the one were the doctor was fixing me up, Cort was in the room with me the entire time. Normally they don't allow that. Having him there in the room with me though, made me feel so much better. Tender mercy number 6. Over the next couple of days 3 of the sweetest friends brought me and my family dinner, without being asked to or assigned. Tender mercy number 7, 8, and 9. It was very much appreciated and needed as I was still healing. I learned a lot thru this little experience. Some things were simply just reconfirmed. Heavenly Father is there. He is real. Our Heavenly Father gives us trials because He loves us. He wants us to grow and learn and become like Him. And we do this by going through hard times. I am grateful for trials. I am grateful that our Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can even imagine, loves us enough to watch us struggle. Because He wants us to become like Him. I am so grateful to know that my Heavenly Father loves me, He is aware of, what our concerns and needs are. And I am grateful for people who act as instruments in His hands.
It has now been 3 weeks since I had this done and I am in awe of how well it is healing. It truly is remarkable what our bodies are able to do. Tender mercy number 10.

2010 was a great year. It brought major changes to me and my family. Ones that I know were suppose to be, even though they were hard to do, I know that we were suppose to do them. I look forward to the new year and all that will come with it. The good and the bad. Happy New Year everyone!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010 in pictures

Christmas at the Welkers was wonderful this year, not that it isn't every year. :) We got to celebrate it twice...kind of. Santa agreed to come to our house a couple days early since we were going to be in Utah on the actual day. How nice of him. Although I don't know if we will do it again, it felt so weird doing it a couple days before the rest of the world. Regardless it was a success!

Have to make cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. It is tradtion after all!

Christmas PJS on Christmas Eve. I couldn't resist these jammies! I just knew my kids would be shouting with glee when they saw them! I have never been more right.

Tay was the first one up after santas arrival at our house luckily for us all it wasn't until 730 that morning which when we all get our sleep makes for a happier home indeed.

Tay with her american girl doll that goes everywhere with her these days. Santa never disappoints!

Chase still loves to do everything Taylor does. So we knew Santa couldn't get Taylor some skates and not Chase. I think he liked them!

Talan and his obi wan watch. It was the ONLY thing he asked for this year! A watch with his two favorite things these days...Star Wars and Legos.

Easton couldn't be more cuTe!

Among other things Grandma and Grandpa Welker got us a year pass to the zoo. I foresee lots of fun times there in the near future!

For the actual big day we headed to Utah to be with our friends and family there. It couldn't have been more fun. As it always is. Lots of family, friends, good food (thanks Maryan) and loads and loads of good times and memories. We are always nonstop there when we visit and in need of a vacation from our vacation when we arrive home. :) I'll let the pictures tell the story here. We love you Utah!!
Kangaroo zoo with friends

Sisters. Me and my sister hit up my favorite store in the whole world Downeast Home on Christmas Eve. $6 jeans! Can't beat that deal!!

Chase and my step brother William. You can not help but love this kid

Talan and William sword fighting

Christmas morning at my dads

Best Cousins

And a dream come true for Chase more legos! Wahoo

Cort sporting his hand picked gift from my dad. What a good sport! Go UTES

Sledding. It did NOT snow once while we were there. I know! What the?!?@ Except for the day before we were heading home, there was a very light (and when I say very, I mean almost non-existent) blanket of snow on the ground at the park by my dad's house. We just couldn't disappoint the kids and we made do with what was there. Even though we didn't have gloves, (if you look close enough at the pictures you will notice my kids wearing socks on their hands) or snow pants, we had a GREAT time!

My dad even got in on the action. Never one to back down from a race.

Easton watching some TV with Grandpa

Girls night. It was SO good to see all these girls. I miss them all so much, but when I'm with them I am really reminded why. Each one has touched my life for the better in some way. I am so grateful for good friends and for women who inspire just by being in their presence.

The day we arrived home from our Utah trip my dad flew in that night. It was so nice having him here. I didn't want to let him go! I wasn't the only one. Chase cried, great big tears, when he realized Grandpa was leaving and kept asking "can't he stay just one more day!" Thanks for coming dad and for all you do!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas programs 2010

Nothing cuter than watching your kids perform for you. These two cute boys have been going around the house singing the songs they have been learning at school for over a month. I couldn't have been more proud of both of them.
Talan is the funniest kid you will ever meet. Most of the kids in his class refused to even go up on stage seeing all those intimidating adults staring at them. Talan though was a singing and dancing up there before the program even began. One mom told me afterwards "it's a good thing he is in this class, he was the star of the show." Me and Cort couldn't help it, we were busting up the whole time. He was totally in his element. He LOVES to have a audience. I think we have a little class clown on our hands.

Talan hamming it up for the crowd

Talan and his teacher

Chase too did so great. They performed several songs and then did a navtity scene. Chase was Joseph and his good friend Tessa was Mary. The day of his program when I went upstairs to get them up for the day, Chase smiled when we saw me and stated "TODAY IS MY PROGRAM!" Also, ever since his program, whenever we have read a story about baby Jesus Chase points out "hey there's me! And Tessa too!" Chase even came home the day of his program and wore his Joseph Costume for the rest of the day. GOtta love him.

My favortie song Chase's class sang without a doubt was the "jingle bell YO!" rap. Although his "picutre a stable in judah...." song absolutely melted my heart. I love watching my kids grow up learn new things and develop, however I wish these differnet stages of life lasted a little longer. Right now I swear I could eat Talan and Chase for dinner they are just that cute!

Good job Boys! I couldn't be more proud or grateful to be your mom. xoxo

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

friends forever

Even though we will see them all in two short weeks, it was still hard to see them go. We had so much fun. My dear friend Audrey brought her four sweet kids and my sweet sister and her two cute kids down for a visit last week. I knew Audrey and her kids were coming and we were all counting down the days until they got here. My sister showing up though, was a complete surprise. I took a double take on her when I saw her get out of Audrey's car at 3:00 in the morning. Such a fun surprise. All of our kids have basically known each other since the day they were born. We did the things we use to do back in Herriman while they were here. We went to the park, hung out, traded stories, it was a blast and a good time every second they were here. Having them here made me MISS them all even more....if that is even possible!

I so wish we would of gotten a picture of us leaving for church the Sunday they were here. 3 moms, one Cort, and 10 kids. We put on quite the show that day in sacrament. I smile every time I think about it. Oh the memories!

Pajama dancing. Talan with "his" Sarah. All on there own, started dancing around in their pjs and then they would fall to the ground and laugh and laugh. They have such a special bond. Such fun friends.

Making and decorating gingerbread cookies.

These boys couldn't get enough of Mario on the Wii. They would of played it all day long if we would of let them.

Loads of programs were performed and songs written. I LOVE this picture.

Breakfast with Santa at Tay's school at 7:00 in the morning the day after they all arrived at 3:00 in the morning. I don't think Tay and Elle ever went to sleep that night when they got here. They were so excited to see one another. They both crashed hard though the following night.

Playing at the park

LOVE these two girls

Easton and Lukey. Sure to be the best of friends just like the rest of us.

Checking out the lights at the temple. Love that us Welkers are all wearing coats and the Buchanans are wearing short sleeves. The best part is I think it was like 65 degrees that night.

Talan admire baby Jesus at the temple. He was so in to it and is still talking about it.

Taylor and my niece Hadlie. Taylor loved having her here and carried her around a lot. Hadlie was sweet enough to let her.

Why is it I never get pictures of me with my friends and sisters?? But lots with the kids!?? I will be sure to get some this coming week on our much awaited trip to Utah. So can't wait! I feel so blessed to have such GREAT friends and sisters in my live. A true friend is a hard thing to come by these days and I feel so fortunate to have so many in my life. Love to you all. Thanks again Whitter and Audrey. Can't wait til next time. :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November Happenings

Is tomorrow really December 1st?? Where did November go? Wasn't halloween just yesterday?? Here's some of the fun stuff we did this past month.

Taylor's school did a turkey trot the day before Thanksgiving. She was so excited to run it and insisted on wearing sweats the day of, even though I had made her the cutest turkey shirt EVER! She said she NEEDED to wear sweats so she could run her best. So being the wonderful mom that I am I let her. :) She ran her little heart out and was actually the first girl in her class to finish. As we watched her cross the finish line she said to me "this is really hard!" However, it didn't get her down she asked Cort to take her running the next day so she could train for next year.

Chase's class made pumpkin pies the day before Thanksgiving, as well as these cute pilgrim costumes. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE his teacher??

We put up our tree a little early this year. For those of you who know me well, SHOCKER I know! I can't help myself, it's so much work, I want to enjoy it as much as possible. This time of year always goes by so fast.

Taylor and Talan dancing to Christmas music

Talan definitely caught the lego bug this month. I can't tell you how many legos I find in the washing machine that have fallen out of Talan's pocket. We have been riding his bike to school the past couple of weeks. Well, last week I knew he had one in his hand and I told him when we get to your class you have to give it to me. As soon as we got their he climbed off his bike and RAN into class without saying one word to me. Before we leave to go anywhere, he runs to the lego box to grab some of them. I keep telling him he's going to lose them. So now he tells me "I won't lose them mom I promise! I promise!" This is how I found him a couple nights ago fast asleep holding Woody the lego.

And then today I found him like this during his nap

Just getting in a little scripture study before his nap. Just when I think my kids couldn't be any cuter...they always prove me wrong!

HOORAY for good friends!! (And for aunts who live in Arizona) :)

This past week our old neighbors and dear friends were here for Thanksgiving at their Aunt/Sister's house. Lucky for us we got to spend some time with them while they were here. We did dinner, hung out, laughed, roasted marshmallows, and just enjoyed spending time together again. The kids were into roasting marshmallows for about 5 minutes if that and they ran off to play some more, leaving us adults there to enjoy the fire.
The guys

And me, Christine, and Easton

Christine was not only my neighbor/friend in Herriman, she was also my visiting teacher for a couple years, and someone that I grew to love with my whole heart. She is one of the most genuine, non-judgemental, and charitable people I have ever had the pleasure to know. I admire her so. And am so grateful for her in my life.

Rowen, Tay, and Chase playing Moshi Monsters. It's a game online, kinda like Webkinz, that Rowen introduced them too. They loved it and are totally obsessed with it now.

The girls got to have a sleepover that night too, we did a fashion show, played dress-up, and watched a show. The next morning as we watched them pull out of our driveway to leave Taylor broke into tears and through her tears told me "We were having so much fun and then BAM! She had to leave and it was over!"

Me and my little family went and saw Tangled Thanksgiving morning. If you haven't seen it, GO! I promise you will LOVE it! We then had dinner that afternoon at my aunts with about 40 members of my extended family. It was a lot of fun. I loved seeing my kids run around with my cousins kids, the same thing me and my cousins use to do when we were kids. We missed our families, but were grateful to spend time with family here too. And then that night, I met up with my cousin around 11:30 and we hit up the coolest mall in the valley. It was opening it's doors at midnight, and the Gap there was doing 50% off everything in the store, I don't think I could have been more excited! That included sale items too. We had such a great time! Can't wait for next year Cindy!

This past Saturday these 5 sweet kids got out some paint and went nuts painting their faces. No joke. They would paint their face run around with it one way for awhile and then go wash it off and re-do it. They had a blast. So glad for fun friends and neighbors.

What a guy!

Cort has had the past two weeks off from school, originally we thought that we would head to California for a couple days while he was off but decided instead to save money and just stay home and enjoy being together. In true wife fashion I made a list of things I wanted to get done while he was off and in true Cort fashion he finished every item on the list. I found the list sitting on the counter the other day, with all the items crossed off. Seriously, made my month! Love you Cort!

So excited for Christmas and all the wonderfulness that it brings.