Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter weekend

We had a fabulous easter weekend with a lot of fun activities with family and friends. Saturday the kids particpated in three hunts. They got lots of fun goodies and loved every minute of it.
Here's Taylor and Chase at our annual neighborhood easter egg hunt. We really live in the best neighborhood/street around.

Then here they all are after our little hunt at our house. They were all so into their goodies I could barely get them to look up.

Then over to Grandpa Bryce's for the money hunt. The great grands went first and then it was the "big kids" turn. It's always so funny to watch a bunch of adults run around collecting dollars. We take this hunt VERY seriously.
Here's Uncle Brycie helping Talan, cause Tally really wasn't that into the money hunt. See next pic.

And Bry was the bigger winner this year, just in case you can't tell.

Then on Sunday we spent the day thinking of the Savior and what he has done for each of us. It is so endearing as a parent to hear your children talk about the real reason for the holiday. Taylor and Chase really got into our Easter lesson for Family Home Evening that week. They were asking questions and already knew a lot of the story. It melted my heart. I know this a little late, but I found this clip on of Elder Holland's most recent talk at ccnference. So worth watching if you haven't already seen it.

I have spent a lot of time recently reflecting over my life. Over the past couple weeks I have been thinking a lot about past mistakes and things I which I could go back and change. Obiviously I can't do that, but thank goodness I can repent and be forgiven and move forward. The Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ is awesome! What a gift He has given to each of us. I know that He lives.

Here we all are on Easter Sunday after church of course, one of these days I'll get us all ready early enough so we have some time to kill. Maybe when we have 1:00 church again. Hope everyone had a wonderful easter.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dreams do come true

Taylor has always had a love of horses. I'm not sure where this came from. I really don't know much about them and I'm not a real big animal lover. Although my mom was; so maybe she got that from her. When we were growing up you name it and we probably had it as a pet. Anyways, Taylor has always wanted to ride a horse and has asked several times when she could. Last Saturday, my brother who was taking care of some horses while the owners were out of town, asked if we wanted to bring the kids over with his kids, and ride one of the horses. Taylor was so excited!! She talked about it all morning long. Even Talan got a turn. Now Taylor can check this off her list of things to do. Although I have a feeling this won't be her last time on one!

Taylor and her cute cousin Rylee. These girls are so cute together.

The boys. Chasers and Tannon. They were so excited when they found this hat in the stalls. Chase kept saying "I have to have a cowboy hat to ride a horse."

Taylor riding all by herself

And our cute little Tally taking his turn with his dad