Monday, November 24, 2008

What have the Welker's been up too lately???

Honestly, not a whole heck of a lot! But here's a couple of highlights of us from the month.

"Chase the builder"

Chase has always loved to build, but these days he is taking it to a whole new level! He is constantly building something. Today he showed me this airplane (see pic) that he built all by himself and the other night during his late night me and him made this house together. (see pic)

And here's Talan trying to take Chase's airplane away and just in case you didn't notice...Chase is not happy about it.

Decorating the tree

Yes, we already have our tree up. I guess I got caught up in the excitment of Chiristmas coming. So, as a result, for our last FHE we talked about all the different symbols of Christmas and what each symbol represents. We all learned a lot. As we were talking about all the symbols we decorated the tree. We all just enjoyed being together.

Lots and lots of pictures have been made

The kids love to make me and Cort stuff. We have pictures hanging up all over our house from the fridge to the bathroom door to the wall in our room. Here they are with a "cake" that they made me one day last week. They were so cute, I heard them knocking on the back door and when I opened it this what I found. Oh, and Chase has decided that pictures are now sometimes ok, as long as he is making a silly face in it.

Finally the leaves have started to fall....

This was our third attempt going to Grandpa Bryce to jump in all the leaves from his humongous trees. The kids love this and thought the best part was when I let them bury me in the leaves. Sorry no picture of that. However, Tally was not a fan of any of it. Maybe next year.

Twilight the movie

I went to see TWILIGHT with some friends at midnight the night of the premiere. It was so fun. (Although I paid for it the next day, I was seriously dragging!) We did dinner and then the movie. I thought the movie was great, (especially the second part of it, from when Edward rescues Bella from the bad guys in the city to the end) and I will definitely see it again. Maybe even own it, that's saying a lot for me cause I am not a movie buyer, unless it's a kid movie. Anyways, when I got home at 3:00 AM, this is what I found. Cort and Tally fast asleep in our bed. Of course, I took a picture.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I have been such a bad taggee lately and I love reading them, so I decided that I would join the fun once again and particpate in the latest tag! Thanks Ang!

5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
Ten years ago my life was so different, hard to believe it's only been ten years! Seems like a lifetime ago....
*Moving from Provo to Salt Lake for school
*Starting school at the U (GO UTES!)
*Trying to figure life out
*Playing way too much

5 things on today's to-do list...
*make dinner for a friend who just had a baby
*read scriptures
*play with kids
*Watch Intervention (it's only on on Mondays)

5 things I would do if I was a millionaire...
*Build a pool
*Travel the world
*Buy everyone I love something super cool that they have always wanted
*Go on the hugest bargain shopping spree ever! That's right, I think that even if I did have endless amounts of money I would still bargain shop! I just loving knowing that I got a good deal.
*Help people in need (I hope I would do this)

5 places I have lived...
*WJ, Utah
*Provo, Utah
*Ephraim, Utah
*Salt Lake City, Utah
That's it!

5 places I have worked...
ONLY 5?? Maybe I should name five places I haven't worked.....
*Franklin Covey
*Art City Trolley
*David O. McKay events center (got to go to concerts for FREE!!)
*49 St. Galleria

5 people I TAG...
*Brittany W.
*Jenny M.
*Kristine A.
*Sarah S.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Absolute Cuteness

Obviously I am a little bias, but I swear this kid just oozes cuteness! Our little Talan is now 14 and a half months! Hard to believe, but in 3 and a half months he is nursery bound! We got him this new little highchair a couple of days ago so he could sit at the big table with us and he looks so big in it! At dinner tonite we looked over at him and he was just sitting there grinning with his hand under his chin (see pic) and we all laughed and told him to do it again, which he did over and over and over again. He really knows how to work a crowd. Every morning when the carpool comes to pick Tay up both boys run to the front door so they can say their goodbyes before she goes, she is definitely the ring leader around here, they both totally follow her lead. Tay usually makes sure she hugs and kisses them both before she goes. This morning the boys where standing at the door as she drove away, Chase screamed out "bye Tay" and then I heard Tally copy him with a "by ay!" He is starting to understand so much. Lately, he'll try my patience when I tell him not do something by looking back at me with a smile and mocking me by pretending he's going to do it anyway. A couple weeks ago he said ball for the first time and a couple days ago he said MAMA! I love this age. He is so curious about everything. He's now starting to climb on everything, which makes me nervous, he just seems too small to be doing that. I can hardly keep up. He carries random things around the house with him too, just like Chase use to, (big wooden spoons seem to be a favorite of his) and he loves to sword fight with his brother, as long as mom's there to keep things in control. He's very affection with all of us. When Cort gets home he runs to him DEMANDING his attention. He is still very cuddly especially at night and he's all about giving us all lots of kisses. He is very strong willed and not shy about letting you know when he wants something. He is truly changing right before our eyes. I need to savor these moments because I feel like they are slipping right through my fingers. Our very sweet and lovable Tally Wally.

This is how I found him a few days ago when I went to check on him during his nap. His sword is another thing that he loves to carry around the house.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chase is one year "bigeer"

If you ask Chase how old he is now he will almost immediately respond (depending on how well he knows you) by telling you that he is now THREE YEARS OLD. I can't believe three years ago this beautiful little boy entered our lives. He brings us so much joy on a daily basis. He says the cutest things. Sometimes, I find myself holding back the laughter when I am trying to teach him why he can't do something he's not suppose to be doing. Today I was getting after him for something and I told him "your just not big enough." Well, he came right up to me, at eye level, and measured himself against me and said "ya see, I bigeer." I couldn't help but laugh. He did this all day on his birthday too. He kept measuring himself against EVERYTHING and as he did it I would hear him mumble to himself "I reelly am bigeer." He has such a sweetness about him and his smile is ABSOLUTELY contagious. He is so animated and always has been even as a baby. I tell ya some of the faces he makes! He loves any type of sports. (Corts starting him young, athough even as a baby his eyes would light up when he saw a ball.) He loves to ride his bike and play with his brother and sister. He also has some great dance moves. If your every lucky enough to actually see him shake his stuff, you'll know exactly what I mean. HILARIOUS! He still cries when Taylor leaves for school, merely because he wants to be with her 24/7. He is a HUGE tease, (again gets that from his mom) and so full of life, I tell ya the things I would accomplish if I had his energy. He is go, go, go, as soon as he wakes up, (with a smile on his face) seriously he NEVER stops! Last night during family home evening we talked about baptism and at the end of the lesson I asked the kids why we got baptized to see if they were listening and Chase piped right up and belted out with his arms way up in the air "to be like Jesus!" He is such an important part of our family and none of us can ever get enough of him. I can hardly wait to watch him grow into the amazing man I know he will be. He already talks about his mission and has started saving for it. We started a new thing where the kids earn money and then break it up into tithing, saving=mission, and fun. Chase loves to put money in his mission fund. He loves to sing "I hope they call me on a mission" and he loves to hear all about his dad's mission. I hope he never loses his love of life. Happy 3rd Birthday to our very sweet Chasey! We love you more then you will ever know. You're sure growing up fast!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Taylor has been BEGGING me to cut her hair for several months now, every since I got mine cut. She said she wanted it to be just like mine. I kept telling her after her school pictures we would do it, I really thought she'd forget...but when she got home from school on picture day the first thing she said to me was "can I cut my hair now?" Well, yesterday we FINALLY did it! I absolutely LOVE it!! And more importantly, so does she. After my cute friend Tiff was all done she told Taylor to go take a look at it in the bathroom. Taylor was beaming, and grinning from ear to ear, as she twirled around and admired her new look. I think it makes her look SO grown up. Love you Tay.

Halloween Fun

We had a very fun and busy October. For Halloween the kids dressed up as Elizabeth Swan, Captain Jack Sparrow, and "Will Turner" from the Pirates of the Carribean. We watched the first movie at the beginning of the month and they were hooked! They were all super excited about their costumes and fortunately they got many opportunities to wear them, from the ward party, to Taylor's school, and Chase's little preschool party, to birthday parties and pictures to Halloween night. We had a very eventful and fun October.
Here's the kids at a neighbors playing some fun Halloween games.

On Halloween day, I took the kids up to this little grove by our house to take some pictures of them all dressed up. Here's a couple of my favorites. Of course, they weren't that into the pictures, but I think we still got some fun ones.

And here's Taylor at school during her school parade. She loves a good parade, especially if she gets to be in it.

Chase and Talan at the ward party. I was shocked that they both left their costumes on, hats and all.

Chase getting ready to go to preschool. And then again at his cute preschool party. Chase thought the pinata was so cool, especially when his mom broke it open and all the candy spilled out.

All three right after trick or treating. Cort took them out this year with some friends and I stayed home to hand out candy. Even Talan went and loved every minute of it.

When the kids got home they immediately dumped out their bags and started ruffling though the candy. Talan was in heaven, he gets his love of sugar from his mom.

I think it's safe to say that Halloween is definitely Talan's favorite. Here he is walking around the house with a sucker in his mouth and then if you look close he has one in each hand as well. I wish I could of known what he was thinking. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween.