Friday, December 21, 2012

catching up

Lots to report! We have been quite the busy bunch lately. I can't believe Christmas is 4 DAYS AWAY!, and Avery is now 6 months old, Talan has kindergarten registration next month, and Easton has made the change from baby and toddler to little boy, he is already wearing 5T clothing and he just turned 3, Cort has less than 6 months til he graduates and a couple job offers on the table, and Taylor and Chase are halfway through their 1st and 4th grade year. Phew! I can't keep up with all these changes, time is moving so fast. Here are some pictures of what we have been doing over the past month. All from my phone and in no particular order.
For almost a year now my calling has been in the Young Women's. I love it. I have really grown to love these girls. They are so strong and beautiful and I love being around them and feeling of their goodness. Recently, I got another calling with them, I am still the Personal Progress Coordinator but now also a Laurel Advisor too. Basically it means I will be teaching and I LOVE teaching! I learn so much when I am teaching and preparing. And for those of you who don't know there is a new curriculum being introduced this year for the youth of the Church. Basically they want them more involved, in the lesson. They want a discussion, not a lecture. There is no set lesson outline, we are to teach from the spirit. SO excited about that.
Since this past June the Young Women in our ward have been filling little jars of oil that we burned a couple of nights ago in some lamps that our President got from Jerusalem. Every Sunday since June, these girls have been adding drops to their jars for each day they said their prayers, read their scriptures, did a kind deed, etc. It was a awesome experience watching them light their lamps all in unison. SO grateful I got to be apart of it. 
This past month we have been reading a Christmas Story once a night to the kids. To be honest, there have been a couple nights that we missed, so hard to sneak it in some nights with life being so busy and kids being so tired by the end of the day. But it is a great tradition that we have been doing for the past 3 years now, I love it and so do the kids. 
I got to go and volunteer in Talan's preschool during his Christmas party this month. So much fun to see him in that element. He is a little on the quiet side as far as raising his hand to answer a question, but not when it comes to making the other kids and himself smile. During singing time when they were singing Jingle Bells Talan stuck the the bells on his foot and the kids around him followed his lead. It made me smile, so I took a picture and send it to Cort. Our little class clown aka Talan.
Three Sundays ago Chase and Easton came down in matching outfits that Chase had picked out. Not bad. I think they look adorable!
The first week in December we met up with Cort's parents, and Grandma, in Disneyland. It's was Cort's grandmas birthday. She was turning 88 I think. It was fun to see her and let the kids get to know her a little bit better. They were all just a little excited, in case you can't tell.
Taylor participated in her school's Spelling Bee this month. She was one of two kids who made it from her class and one of 17 who made it from the whole school. We didn't even know she had qualified, until about a week later when she said to us "oh ya, I am participating in the Spelling Bee next week." No big deal. So proud of this girl!
Hanging out at the Elephant Park one morning while we waited for Talan to get home from school. I love when our days slow down a bit and we get to do this. Lately, Easton has been referring to Avery as "pretty girl." So sweet.
Talan re-enacting the Nativity at his school Christmas Party. The 3 wise-men.

Just a cute one of my girls, I had to include.
She still loves her feet!
Easton and Mrs. Kristen from his play school. He loves going to her house. Although he was feeling a little shy when I asked him to take a picture with her. There was some bribery involved in order for me to get it.
Outside hanging out in December! One of the major perks to living here, the "winter time."
Avery looks so small next to Easton. She really is quite petite for her age. Which is kind of funny since she was my biggest baby weighing a whopping 9.5 when she was born.
The 3 amigos. Chase is really into dressing himself these days.
Avery and her Great Grandma Welker in Disneyland on Grandma's birthday.Lately, whenever someone new holds Avery this is what she does. She stares at them. Like she's studying them and trying to figure them out.
Me and East back at the hotel taking "naps" while the rest of the gang played a little more in Disneyland.
Lunch time in California Adventures!
Waiting in the Fast Pass line for the new Cars ride. Thank goodness someone told us to get Fast passes for it first thing in the morning. Otherwise we would of waited a couple hours instead of a couple minutes to ride it! Totally worth it though. Such a cute ride. Easton's favorite for sure! He tells us he is going on his mission to Carsland. 
Easton patiently waiting for the new Carsland ride to start.
Taylor and Grandma Luann on one of my favorite rides there. Toy Story Mania.
I think we have a picture of each of my kids, except Taylor, in this carrier. It sure is a handy thing to have while trying to go from ride to ride with a little one.
Waiting in line for a ride. Taylor always willing to help with her siblings. She is such a little mother.
Our Ward does a Live Nativity Program at the beginning of December each year. Taylor was a inn keeper this time around and the boys were both shepherds. What a great tradition.
Taylor is in Choir this year at her school. Her Choir teacher is amazing! And Taylor has always loved to sing so this class has been a perfect fit for her. The Choir had a performance at the beginning of the month, they did great!
As part of my church calling, I was in charge of our YW in excellence night this year. About a week before the big night, I had each of the girls come over so I could outline their silhouette so we could use them as part of the decor. The theme for the night was "Be your Own Kind of Beautiful." This was the only picture I got of the night, it was while we were setting up. But I had to include it for posterity sake! I had each of the graduating seniors talk about the role Personal Progress had played in their lives. I was so touched by what they had to say.

Talan and his buddy at their preschool's Thanksgiving feast. Such cute and fun friends.
Chase and Talan had a successful football and soccer season this past fall. Kept us super busy. Talan's soccer games were on Friday nights and Chase's games were on Saturday morning. It was Talan's first year playing and he was so much fun to watch. Very aggressive. (Is that a good thing?) And this was Chase's second year playing flag football. His team made it to the city championship game. It was a long day of some very intense games. Loved every second of it. They took second in the city for their age group. Go Bombers!
Talan failed his eye exam at his 5 year check up last month. (I guess he just wasn't into it??)  So I made him an appointment with an eye doctor to get his eyes checked, just to make sure everything was ok. While we waited for the doctor we tried on glasses. I'll be honest, there was a little part of me that was a little sad when he didn't need them. I just thought he looked so cute sporting them.

Found Talan fast asleep one night last month like this. He still loves His Utah friends Sara and KoKo.
Chase right after they placed 2nd in the city championship flag football games. Go Bombers!
Talan's preschool does so many fun things. It is all very much science based. One of the units they learned about this past fall was about the Ocean. I swear he came home telling me things that I didn't even know.

Chase at the finish line for his school's Turkey trot this year. He takes these things very seriously.
I somehow got Easton and Talan to ride Tower of Terror while we were in Disneyland. Am I a mean mom? They have both said it was their first and LAST time riding it. Maybe in a couple more years they will change their minds.

While visiting my mom's parents a few weeks ago, that live about a mile or two from us, they told me at least 5 times that they stuck Avery's birth announcement by my mom's Senior picture and then my Grandma said "you should take a picture of it." So I did, I love living close to them and need to go see them more often. I know my mom loves when we go see them.
Still our little thumb sucker. I tried while we were in Disneyland to try and get her to take a binkie again, she only chewed on it.

Thanksgiving at my Aunt Diane's was outside this year. Seriously it was in the 80s! Although the weather wasn't my favorite, the food and the people were.
I had a friend here tell me about a friend she has who takes pictures. So even though we weren't going to do official family pictures this year, we did anyway. And I'm glad we did. I think she got some great ones. 

Avery on her six month old birthday, by December 17 it had finally cooled off a little. I am loving the chill that is in the air. It's my favorite. I love sweater wearing weather. 

Cort with the kids minutes after riding Autotopia in Disneyland.  And about a half a hour after we lost Talan in Disneyland. Scariest 2 minutes of my life. Of course he was in a store looking at toys and not scared or worried at all. Me on the other hand was a complete wreck! I woke up the next morning still thinking about it. Talan was over it by the time this ride was over.

Love her BLUE eyes
Too cute not to post. Sleepy head
Taylor and her friends after running the school's Turkey Trot on the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. 
Talan built himself a fort the other day out of his sleeping bag, and a stuffed giraffe. And he decorated the inside of it with a picture of him and his friends and his gingerbread man that he made last year. Love how this kid never gets bored. Always, and I mean ALWAYS a good time when Talan is around!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Birthday Boys

November is a always a busy and fun month for us. Both Chase and Easton were both born this month about four years and one week apart.
Chase is now 7 years old. At 7 years old Chase loves going to school, he is responsible, a fast learner, has a smile that lights up his face, he loves playing any type of sport, football, baseball, swimming, basketball, he is very competitive, focused, and self-motivated. Over the past couple of months he has been playing flag football. He loves getting the flags and asked Cort who is his coach, if he can just play defensive all the time. He is a lot of fun to watch.  He doesn't like big crowds, he is independent, loves puzzles, Legos, and anything that requires putting it together. He has the biggest heart and is constantly making me pictures and bringing me flowers that he found outside. He loves to draw and color. And he can't go to sleep at night until he gives me and Cort both a hug and kiss and he has to be tucked in too. Lately he has been putting on Cort's cologne before school it makes me smile. He recently got all 4s on his report card. It amazes me how fast he picks up on things. Chase is a good boy who has a strong desire to do what is right.
Chase at 6 months
 14 months
22 months
 2 years old
 4 years old
 5 years old
6 years old
on his 7th birthday!

Easton is at the funnest age right now. I love how his little mind works and the way he says things cracks me up. The other day he was playing with his cars and i said this is the brown one and he said no thats not brown that's chocolate. He is now 3! And loves cars in any form. Says his best friend is his daddy until I make a sad face and then he will throw me in there although we all know who his favorite is he is a daddy's boy. Easton has chases smile and it makes me melt. He too loves puzzles, and robin is his favorite super hero these days. Interesting choicd maybe because he is talans constant side kick when the other kids are at school. He is very Inquisitive and focused just like Chase. He loves to help whether it be outside doing yard work or emptying the dishwasher. Easton is such a big kid for his age and likes to think that he is capable of keeping up with his older siblings sometimes I have to remind myself he is only 3! He is feisty and stands his ground when he wants something. He is always willing to try something new.
Easton a couple days old
 On his first birthday
2 years old
3 years old. Easton LOVES Giraffes, I;m not sure how this love affair started. For Christmas he keeps asking for a big giraffe. Not sure what we are going to do about that one.
On his 3rd birthday!

Both of these cute boys are left handed, and sweet as can be. They are alike in so many ways and yet so different too. I love them both with all my heart and am so glad that they are mine forever. Happy birthday month boys! I will love you forever, for always and no matter what. I love being your mom.