Friday, November 30, 2007


OK, I know that this is a little late. But I haven't had a lot of time to really sit down and post anything.....until now anyway. So, here are a couple of pics from our trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house in California for Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun. All of Cort's family was able to come, so we were altogether, which hasn't happened in quite sometime! These first pics are of the kids on Grandpa's Rhino. Cort took them out for a ride and they loved it. Taylor kept raising her arms like she was on a roller coaster. I'm not sure who liked it more Cort or the kids. It was a lot of fun!

Cort's sister Tori is about seven months pregnant here and does not look it at all. I always get big EVERYWHERE, it's just not fair. Anyways, I took these shots of her while we where out there and I am so happy with the results. I really think they turned out great. I hope she likes them as much as I do. It was a lot of fun taking them.

And here's one of Talan and his cousin Caden. They are only two months apart and sure to be great friends.

Cort's mom found a bunch of Cort's and his sister's old toys for the kids to play with. Remember the fashion plates where you'd trace Barbie in all of her many outfits? Taylor thought that was the coolest thing ever. I should of gotten a pic of that.

Chase watching his beloved "go-go." He is so into Diego these days. It's about the only thing that he will actually sit down and watch. He totally knows the song and does whatever Diego tells him to do. He is definitely hooked!

And last but not least, here's one of me and Cort hanging out in the hotel room. Taylor actually took this one of us. Our family has so much to be grateful for. Mainly, for the Savior, the gospel, and each other. Along with the rest of our family, our health, our friends, and much more. We are so blessed. As my brother would say...."This is the life!" I couldn't ask for anything more than what we have!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

3 months old already!

Talan is now 3 months old....Hard to believe, but true. The past couple of nights he has been sleeping like a champ!...6 to 7 hours at a time. It has been heavenly! He also is starting to coo and talk to us a lot more and he is always so happy. He will smile at just about anyone he comes in contact with and it doesn't take much to get him to do it. He's such an amazing little guy. I can't even remember what life felt like before we had him. We love him more and more every day.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Best Friends

These two...they really are the best of friends. Of course, they have their moments...but Taylor absolutely adores Chase, she aways makes sure that he is taken care of. If she gets a treat, she makes sure he has one. If she is doing something fun she wants Chase to do it too. And Chase is absolutely in awe of Taylor. He totally mimics her, and always wants to be doing whatever she is doing or wants to have whatever she has. It is sooooooo fun to see them together. You can just feel the love!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The boys

Last week while Taylor was at preschool, me and the boys had to run some errors. We had to stop at my dad's to drop something off and Chase decided that he wanted to play in the leaves again. So, fortunately I had my camera and we got out and played and I took a couple shots of them together. I just love them to pieces! When I look at pics of them together I can't believe how much Talan looks like Chase did as a baby. And I can't help but imagine them in the future laughing and playing and just being the best of friends! Brothers ROCK!

Trimming the tree

We put our Christmas tree up the other day. We usually wait til after Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't wait!...I figured that we might as well enjoy having it up longer than just in December. And the kids had soo much fun decorating it. Chase picked out one little ornament that he kept moving around the tree. And Taylor was so excited for the whole thing to be done, so that she could put the star on top.
It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have been tagged by Amber Moleff.
The rules when you are tagged:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.(So WATCH OUT - You MIGHT be tagged NEXT!!!)

1. OK so here goes...I have been married to my best friend Cort for six years now. And there are still times when he walks in the room and my heart skips a beat, or as my grandma would say I "hear bells!" He is an amazing man and provider, who works so hard to provide for our family. He makes me so happy and there is no one else I would rather spend my time with then him.
2. I am the mom of three amazing kids! Who are a great reminder everyday of how blessed I am. Taylor is 4 and a half. She is our little girly girl, and she is the sweetest little thing ever. I wish I could take credit for that, but she definitely gets that from her dad. She hates contention and avoids it at all costs. Chase is my two year old and he is a ball of energy. He is curious about everything! He loves anything that takes some figuring out. I just know he is going to be our little fix-it man. Talan is almost three months, (I swear that can't be right, but it is!) and he is amazing, so laid back and happy almost all of the time. Like all my kids, he really has a very special little sprirt. We call him our little Bry, (my brother) because like my bro he seems to have that special something that people are just drawn too!
3. I love to organize things. Now that doesn't mean that my house is all that organized, unfortunately. But I do love to it! I seriously get all excited inside when ever I have to opportunity to organize a closet or the storage room. I really need to invest in a label maker, cause I think I could have a lot of fun with that!
4. I love to run! Or just exercise in general. It makes me feel so good and I tend to get a little OCD (obessive compulsive) about it. I rarely miss a day! Even though it does get hard to find the time these days with three kids. As a result, I have started to do a lot of workout videos and what not, and I love it when my kids join in with me. I have one video that is the Core Secrets (infommercials got to love them!) with the ball, and they get their little toy balls and do it along with me! It's always a good time!
5. I love to stay up late! I always have. I really think that it is in my blood. All of my family is that way, except my one little sister. I remember when I was growing up and pulling some all nighters with my brothers. We have some crazy memories! I also enjoy getting up early, which is not a good combination. I really wish that my body didn't require so much sleep. Because every night it seems like I tell myself I'm not going to stay up late or that I'm not going to sleep in. (If getting up at 8am is sleeping in) but it never works. I am definitely a creature of habit!
6. I love to shop! Pretty much for just about anything. Although, shopping for my kids is my all time favorite, especially for their clothes. They have some way cute stuff out there!
OK, that was fun. Now here's the people that I am tagging:

Leslie Walker
Lynette Hafen
Whitney McKell
Audrey Buchanan
Sandy Beck
Jodi Goodman
Lindsay Sawyer

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two month check-up

Talan is now two and a half months old. He went in last Tuesday for his doctor's check up. I was so excited to see how big he'd gotten and to compare his info to Chase's. He was in the 60% for height and weight. He weighed 12.75 lbs and he is 23 and a half inches long! And for head size he was in the 50th. He did pretty good with his shots too....poor little guy. He only cried for a minute and then on the way home he fell fast asleep for a couple of hours. He reminds me a lot of Chase as a baby, he just goes with the flow, very easy going! Ohhh....I just love him!

Fall is the best time of the year...

So, this past week we went over to Grandpa Bryce's and played in the leaves. It is always such a good time! The kids love it! They really get into it. I love watching them play with each other and have a good time, it always makes me smile. The little guy with Chase is his cousin Holden. They are sure to be the best of friends. They are only six months apart. The little girl is Taylor's friend Kaylee. They always play so good with one another. Taylor adores she does all of her friends! Making memories like these is what life is all about.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


We also blessed Talan today, it was a very special day. Cort did a wonderful job and Taylor actually bore her testimony in sacrament for the first time. She has been asking me to do it for quite sometime and I just kept thinking that she would back out so I kept telling her she could at home during family home evening or something. But for some reason today I agreed when she asked and she did a great job. What a sweet spirit she has. She is always such a delight to be around. Talan was amazing today too. He wasn't fussy at all. And the spirit was so strong! We are so blessed. Our kids are just amazing and we are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. Life is good!

Happy 2nd Birthday Chasers!

It's official Chase is now two! I can't believe it....where does the time go! He had so much fun opening present, he was so animated. He had the whole room just rolling. Everytime he opened a present he would oooh and ahhh, and state what it was and then move on to the next one. It was a lot of fun. He is a great little guy. We sure do love him!
He sure loved his cake too, it was a BIG hit...but, of course Costco cake always is!
Happy Birthday Chase!