Monday, July 21, 2008


Memory Game
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun Family Trip

We took a long old memorable trip this past week, we were gone for 8 days, are longest yet with the kids. We decided to head down to Arizona and visit some family and friends there before our annual Lake Powell trip. We had such a good time. I love going there. My mom's family all lives down there and when I am with her sisters and parents I always feel so close to her.
Here's the kids with their great grandparents. Every time we visit my grandparents they always send me back with all sorts of treasures from around their house. The last day we were there, Taylor was admiring my Grandpa's rock collection and he ended up giving her one that he'd brought back from Nauvoo, which she carried in her lap the whole drive to Powell.

Here's Taylor with her cute little cousins who she was SO excited to see again. Before we left Utah she kept talking about them and asking me what their names were again. They got to have a big sleepover the first night we were there and when I went to check on them around midnight all I could hear was them giggling like CRAZY! The funny thing is that me and their mom were super close as kids too, so it was so fun to watch our girls enjoy being together so much. Such cuties!! Taylor was so sad to go. Janee you guys need to come visit us now. We love our Arizona family so much! We missed seeing you Nelsons though. Thanks again Leone for letting us stay with you and for everything else as well. And Thanks Diane for getting the family all together on Friday night, it's always so good to see everyone again.

We also got to see some good friends the Becks who use to live across the street from us and now live down there as well and who are hopefully going to be moving back soon. No pressure though guys! The kids were so cute and had so much fun.
Here's Talan and Chase.... with Chase giving his classic "I'm not going to look at you when you have that camera in your hands no matter what you say or do pose". The last time these boys were together they were just babies, regardless of that though they were just as excited to see one another and play as the girls were.

And Here's Taylor and her adorable little friend Maddy. Taylor had so much fun playing with her again. These girls have been friends since they were babies too and we were so sad when they moved from across the street from us. Taylor talked about Maddy for the longest time after that, she just couldn't understand why she had to move!

Here's another picture of them as well, on the night before they moved. They look so young! I think that they are 2 years old here, correct me if I'm wrong. No doubt about it these girls will be friends for a long time to come.

Lake Powell was a blast! I love that place and the tradition continues, Taylor and Chase had so much fun and can't wait to go back. Chase was a die hard, jumping off the back of the boat, a mini "cliff", (if you can call it that), riding the big whale tube behind the boat, he is so fearless! Taylor had a grand old time as well, I couldn't keep her out of the water either, and she to took her turn on the whale behind the boat, riding the waverunner and just having the time of her life.
Poor Cort had a little mishap in Arizona while riding his bike on some trail and was unable to really enjoy Powell the way it's suppose to be done. Needless to say, him and Talan got some good bonding time in. So thanks to him for that!

Here's my crazy brother showing off while we where cliff jumping, with my dad in the background. Once again FEARLESS! This was probably at least a 25-30 foot cliff. Which doesn't sound like much, but when you are standing at the top of something like that believe me it looks a lot higher then it sounds.

Mini me
Here's Chasers with my other brother Bry. Everyone always tells me that Chase is a minituare version of Bryce. So, we staged this photo of them so everyone could judge for themselves. Unfortunately Chase wouldn't cooperate of course, and that's why they are looking at their hands and not the camera.

Miss Taylor jumping off her first "cliff."

Part of the group hanging out in our top of line sweet shade tent which provided much relief from the sun. Good call on this one Whit.

My dad jamming out to his new favorite Keith Urban. Last year I believe it was Tom Petty and the year before Savage Garden or as he would call them "ravage savage." It just wouldn't be Lake Powell if my dad wasn't busting a move and singing at the top of his lungs at some point. Seriously though, he can get down with the best of them.

And here's Chase FINALLY riding the waverunner. I say finally because he asked over and over again before we got him out there on it. He was absolutely mesmerized by that thing. He is such a boy!

And once again here's Chase the first night we got there at the hotel. We went out on the balcony and he was all excited yelling "look come see! Come see! Lake Powell!"

Here's one of most of the grandbabies back at the hotel climbing all over and playing with their Pa-pa.

And here's Talan enjoying his first swim at Powell. He loved the water and his new little floater that we tried out for the first time while we were there. He was seriously such a trooper. He even took his naps on the boat, and didn't have one meltdown the whole time there.

And just for fun here's one of me trying to decide if I really want to jump off of that there cliff we are standing on, with a little encouragement from my dad and brother. I am either losing my nerve as I get older or I am just getting smarter. Depends on who you ask I guess. Also, notice that I'm the only one wearing a life jacket, bunches of crazies I tell ya! And just in case you were wondering where you could pick up one of those jackets like the one I'm wearing for yourself, I think your out of luck. We've had those things since I was like ten years old(I know you were admiring it). I still don't know why we haven't got rid of them yet. However they are functionable, and hopefully still coast guard approved and without a doubt, I think it goes without saying, VERY stylish! Retro's back right?