Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life is good

Well, it's official Taylor is no longer a preschooler! She is a GREAT BIG kindergartener....well, soon enough anyway! Her preschool graduation was last Tuesday and she was so excited. She is soo ready for kindergarten, she got her daddy's brains. Her preschool put on a cute little program, and then their teacher read off what some of the kids favorite stuff was. Some of Taylor's favorites were favorite movie of course High School Musical, favorite part of preschool outside playtime, favorite food watermelon, and her favorite time of year SUMMER! Because "it's hot." We are so proud of her. She is such a beautiful girl inside and out, who loves life and is always so happy. My dad asked me once, "does Taylor ever get down?" I thought about it, and it's true she rarely does. She has such a love of life and I swear, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She always absolutely loved going to preschool. In fact, she would count down the days over the weekends until it was time for preschool day again. I can't believe it's over.

The graduate

Talan is now pulling himself up all over the place and as a result has gotten a couple bumps on the head. Poor guy. Good thing he's such a tough kid. He kinda has to be. The other day we found him holding on to the chair, just as proud as he could be! It's so fun to watch him figure out all the fun stuff his little body can do.

We got together with our good friends the Francis' over Memorial weekend. The kids had a blast playing outside, it was actually warm that day. Go figure. I went out to check on them all at one point and found Brynley and Chase on the tramp deep in conversation about something. A kodak moment for sure. I ran in to get the camera, but of course, when I got back outside they were up and about. The picture I did get of them is totally out of focus, but still cute. We are all so lucky to have so many wonderful friends.

We have been having lots of rain lately, meaning that we have been stuck inside a lot lately. Besides yesterday though, the kids spend the majority of the day in the garage riding their bikes around in circles. They were just glad to be out of the house, even if it was just in the garage. And little Chasers actually learned how to ride his bike out there. Before yesterday he would just sit on it while we pushed him around, but now he can really get that think going. He is getting so BIG!

We went to aquarium the other day with some friends, for Taylor and Chase's (Chase adores Paige as much as Taylor does) little friend's birthday. They had so much fun running around, checking things out, touching the sting ray, playing with the puzzles, etc. etc. (Thanks Lynette for the invite.) When we first got there, there was a lady who worked there who was sitting on a bench playing with a snake. For anyone that really knows me you know how much I absolutely LOVE snakes! UGH. The kids where totally intriqued by it though. They were asking her all sorts of questions about the little guy and they even touched it. YUCK. You couldn't pay me to do that, I get all squimy if I merely see one. I asked Taylor what it felt like and she said gooey. Oh, and she told me "don't worry mom he was a happy snake." Yeah, like that makes it any better.

This is Taylor's second year playing soccer. Cort is her coach and she loves having her dad out there with her. She actually scored her first goal last Saturday and almost two more after that. It was so sweet! As soon as she realized that the ball had gone in, she turned around and booked it down the field to where her dad was standing grinning ear to ear, and jumped up in his arms. It was such a tender moment for them both. Taylor, Chase, and Talan are so lucky to have such a great dad, who will do anything for them. He really is our SUPERMAN!

"What are you looking at?" Everyday it's something new with Talan. He is changing so fast. It never seizes to amaze me how much they change during the first year of their lives. A couple of days ago we were listening to some music and I looked over at Talan and he was totally shaking his stuff, he had his head down and he was moving his body back and forth. Then today he was making all sorts of new sounds, one of them was a clicking sound with his tongue. Everyday with him and his siblings is pure bliss.

It was my little sister's birthday Wednesday! The big 22! We all went out to eat and made sure that the resturant staff knew that it was her birthday. They dressed her and my cute nephew (who's birthday was June 1st) up and made them run around the resturant singing some silly song. The kids loved it. A good time was had by all. I can't believe my little sister is 22!

We were over at Gardner Village the other day getting some stuff when I drove by this cute little wagon and I thought what a PERFECT photo opt. So, I pulled over, luckily had my camera, pulled Talan out and snapped a few pictures. I LOVE the face he made in this one. I had to post it, I couldn't resist.

Chase has really been on one lately. I can see so many changes in him. He is all boy. He's all about balls, swords, pirates, climbing, and jumping off of EVERYTHING! We took them to see the second Narnia movie the other day and we loved it. Chase was of course, all about the swords. We enjoyed the movie so much we decided to borrow the first Narnia movie from a friend and watch it altogether, since we hadn't even seen it yet. Once again we all loved it. Chase so much so, that the next day I was in the kitchen making dinner when Chase came in with one of Taylor's crowns on, a sword, and their play horse when I asked him what he was doing he said he was King Peter from Narnia. Soo cute.

Here's a picture of all three of them on Taylor's very last day of preschool. The kids still can't get enough of Talan. They want to hold him and play with him all day long. I love that they love him so much, even though I have to keep an extra close eye on him all the time, because I never know what Taylor and Chase are going to try to get him to do with them. Got to love it! I have also started to notice how much he loves being near them as well. If they are in the other room, he will go track them down and watch them with such awe and wonder. I swear, I just know that he can't wait for the day when he can really get in there with them and join in.


Brittany Savage said...

I live for these posts. I was worried you were slacking a little bit. (kidding!) :) It was a HUGE post and I thouroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for the smiles! I love them too. Can't wait to see them soon.

Brittany Savage said...

I really do have the cutest niece and nephews in the WORLD!!

buchanancasa said...

The photo of Taylor and Cort after the goal is priceless! What a special memory! I also love Chase as King Peter. Micah's sword is currently in time-out. :)

Carlson Family said...

Taylor is so stinkin cute! She's such a beautiful little girl. I love that last little picture of the 3 of them- you did her hair so cute in those pigtails. You sure have adorable kiddos!

Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

So where do I begin!!
Taylor is so big! I love how happy she is! I love how she never leaves anyone out!! I love how she is so proud of Chase if he can ride his bike she is the first to tell me!! I love her!!

I love those kids they are so cute!!

Grandma Luann said...

I can't wait to see these darling kids and give them hugs and kisses, I LOVE ALL THE PICTURES BUR cORT AND tAYLOR AFTER THE GOAl IS MY FAVORITE. Thanks Jamie for being such a good mom and picture taker.

Casie said...

Congrats to Taylor on graduating preschool! Congrats to Chase on his bike riding! Congrats to Talan for pulling himself up. I love reading your posts - you are one busy lady! Oh, I love the sweet story about Taylor running into Cort's arms after scoring the goal. That is priceless!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

Love it love it love it! You have such sute kids and they do the cutest things! See you tomorrow, hope for good weather and happy kids.

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

You guys have been busy!!! How fun! All I can say is that your kids are just so cute!! I love the picture of Talan and his adorable smile! What a little hunk! I've been meaning to take my boys to the Aquarium...I'll have to do it cuz it sounded like fun! They love "fishies"! Hey, and if you guys are free we should plan on the Herriman Rodeo coming up! I know Lynette said she would be in! Let me know!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics of the kids! I can't believe Casey is 22 that makes me feel really old! Yikes!


Lots of cute pics!! I still have a hard time believing you have three kids!! Yes I will call you about swimming!

the Pearce Place said...

Congrats to Taylor the kindergartner!
Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I hope the race went well. I guess I really don't do anything special for meals- ya know besides the typical pasta dinner the night before, but I don't even know if that's all that important! I'm excited to hera how it went!!!


Congrats on the half marathon. I hated mine but I think its because i didnt know I was prego at the time and i was so tired and it was the only time salt lake had theres in June!!!