Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Talan's 4th birthday

Talan is now 4. He still loves all things Lego, ninjas, swimming with big arms, and playing with his friends and toys. Honestly, he could, would, and does sit and play with his legos and star wars guys for hours. Literally. He will go off on his own and just play and play and play. His favorite TV shows are Phineas and Ferb and Jake and the Never Land Pirates. He says the funniest things and is so animated. The other day he had locked himself in the bathroom while going potty, when I realized he had been in there for awhile, I knocked on the door and told him to open it. And that's when he screamed "NEVER!" at me. When I ask him to do something he'll say "YES SIR!" I don't know where he comes up with some of the stuff he says and does. I drove carpool last week to his preschool and it was so fun watching Talan interact with his little buddies in the car. He is such a class clown. Anything for a laugh. I have a feeling we will be spending some time in the principal's office with our sweet and adorable little Talan in the future. :) Kids and people tend to be drawn to him. I can't say I blame them, it's always a good time when Talan is around.
Opening presents

He loved Taylor's ninja present

We have a tradition for birthdays at our house. The night before each of the kids birthdays we blow up a package of balloons and spread them across their bedroom floors. It's a small thing, but hopefully helps them realize that today is their very own special day. I feel like birthdays should be HUGE! After all, they all only come around once a year.

I mentioned to Cort that I wanted to make Talan some sort of Lego cake for his birthday, and look what Cort stayed up super late making and surprised us all with. I'm telling you there is nothing Cort can't do. Best dad and husband EVER!

New birthday bike

Getting ready to celebrate his birthday at Peggy's house :)

Happy Birthday Budda! We love you SO MUCH! You bring so much happiness and excitement into our lives and there is nothing we would change about you.

1 comment:


Darling pictures and very cool cake! Bryson would love it! I may just have to copy that one:)