Thursday, August 9, 2012

back to school

Taylor and Chase started school again yesterday. I now have a 4th and 1st grader. That is crazy to me. We all walked them to school to drop them off, not the best of ideas since yesterday was a record 116 degrees! I pretty much had melted by the time we got home. Once we got to the school though, Taylor told us at the crosswalk that she could go the rest of the way by herself so we said her goodbyes there. And then once Chase met up with his class he got in line and never looked back. I felt a little sad as I stood there watching them go off with their friends and classmates without a worry or a care. But then Cort reminded me that it is a good thing that they are confident and independent. I just hate letting go. I'm not very good at it.

Fortunately though I still have these 3 little ones to keep me company at home.
On their first day
Taylor on her first day.
Chase on his first day.
Walking to school.
Chase standing in line.
It's going to be a great year!

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