Wednesday, November 24, 2010


"We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues. Someone has said that “gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” President Thomas S. Monson

A few things I am grateful for

First and foremost my knowledge of the Savior and his glorious plan

My amazing and crazy kids and their adorable little faces and personalities and the crazy things, they do and say. They make me smile and laugh every day.

For my family. Dad, mom, brothers and sisters, Maryan and her kids. And for Cort's family. They support us and do so much for us. As well as extended family that we don't see often enough. There's nothing quite as wonderful as family.

For old friends who we have made a million memories with and who we will make a million more. How lucky we are to have found such true friends. And not only for me and Cort, but for our kids as well, who as my one friend put it were at first friends because their moms were and our now friends because they genuinely love and care about one another, I know no matter where life takes us all we will all be lifelong friends. You all know who you are!

For music. All kinds of music. Depending on my mood.

For creative blogs and all their great ideas

For the ability to run. I don't claim to be fast. But I am grateful that I have a body that is willing and able. When I am out running that is my time, to think, be inspired, some of my best ideas come when I am out running.

For the spirit and the way it guides my life.

For friends and families blogs who I get to keep tabs on even though we are a gazillion miles away from a lot of you. And for those of you who don't update them, well I am still thankful for you too! :)

For this adventure we are on here in Arizona. We are close to family members that I am use to seeing like once every five years. And for all the new and wonderful friends and people we have met here. You have already touched my life for the better through your example of goodness.

For slurpees at Circle K. We are officially addicted to them.

For questions my kids ask that make me think and let me know that they are thinking too.

For Cort. He is my very best friend in the whole world. He knows me better than anyone in the world and yet he still not only loves me but likes me. :) I feel so lucky to have him in my life.

This list could go on and on. So much to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving!


Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! We sure did MISS you here!!! MIss you everyhday!!! Cant wait to see you!!!

Cindy N. said...

And I'm SOOO grateful for you!!! I'm so glad you guys live here now and we get to do so much together and that our kids have so much fun together! You are an amazing person, friend, Mom, example, and the list goes on. Can't wait to plan our vacation together! :)

buchanancasa said...

What a great post. So many blessings in this life! I am grateful to have you as my dear friend. Pray, Jamie, pray, Luke cried forever on the way to CA for Thanksgiving, and that was with Ash or I beside him. Pray for next week, yikes! :}