Thursday, October 25, 2007


I was just going through some of the pictures of Talan that we have taken and I came across this one. I think that it is one of my favorites of him. I can't believe how much he has already changed! I think that he is about two and a half weeks old in this one. I look back on that time and I feel like it's such a blur, it went by so fast, as time tends to do these days. Anyways, I had to share it with everyone, he just looks to cute not too. Don't ya think?



DID you have haylee bean take those?? He's so cute


To create music you have to go to my playlist on my blog then hit create!

The Blanchard Family said...

That is really funny that you found me and connected my sister-in-law Angie to me. I talked to her and she couldn't believe it. She asked me to give you her email address so you could contact her. It is Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment. My brother Corey has a Talyn too! Funny! Tell Cort hello...I love this blogging thing too...I will check back often! Take Care.

Jodiane said...

I forgot you had a new baby until....the grandparents reminded me. You know their obsession with your family will never die. My mom also has your anouncement posted. You are a good mom, i can tell by the quality time you are spending with your little family. Good job, you are an example to us, family and man challenged people. Jodi

the Pearce Place said...

HI! I'm so glad that you discovered our blog, we'll definitely have to keep up on eachother via blogging. Talan is an awesome name, and he is a beautiful baby.

the Pearce Place said...

p.s. Please thank Whitney for her message, for some reason I'm not able to access her blog.

Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

It is to the public! I dont know what i am doing